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Vanishing fauna by Sacha Vignieri Science Volume 345(6195):

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Presentation on theme: "Vanishing fauna by Sacha Vignieri Science Volume 345(6195):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vanishing fauna by Sacha Vignieri Science Volume 345(6195):392-395
July 25, 2014 Published by AAAS

2 Animals are rapidly disappearing from forests in Borneo and across the world.
Sacha Vignieri Science 2014;345: Published by AAAS

3 Twilight for animals Twilight for animals Large numbers of animal species face extinction in Southeast Asia, the Amazon, and the Andes, as shown in this map of mammals, amphibians, and birds. Animals also face high rates of extinction in Europe and North America, where fewer species are found overall. Sacha Vignieri Science 2014;345: Published by AAAS

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