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Asian Religion Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Asian Religion Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asian Religion Review

2 One Word Review based on what you learned yesterday.
As the following words come up, test your brain. What religion(s) come to mind?

3 Guru

4 Filial Piety (Respect for elders)

5 Nature

6 Reincarnation

7 Polytheism

8 Siddhartha

9 Japan

10 Vedas

11 Karma

12 Religion?

13 Buddhism Began in India.
Today: Throughout Asia. (Tibet and Nepal especially) Siddhartha Gautama. Four Noble Truths. Eightfold Path to enlightenment “nirvana” Non-Violence (ahimsa) and simplicity. Dalai Lama

14 Hinduism One of the oldest. India. Polytheistic.
Brahma (creator), Vishnu (protector), Shiva (destroyer). Samsara (cycle of life) Caste system. Rig Veda to Upanishads.

15 Taoism Lao Tze Hearth=China “The Way”
Nature and harmony with the universe. Good actions, right mind, others first.

16 Jainsim India Three jewels: “right faith, right knowledge, right conduct” No “gods”, but rather 24 “teachers” (Mahavera most influential) Rebirth. All living things have souls. Vegetarians. Non-violence (ahimsa)

17 Sikhism “Newer” religion (500 yrs old) Guru Nanak founder
India (Muslims and Hindus not getting along, this was an alternative) One god Tolerant of other religions Holy book: Guru Granth Sahib

18 Shintoism Japan No founder or god
Spirits exist in the natural world (kami) Sun Goddess most celebrated kami Purity Coexists with Buddhism

19 Confucianism Confucius (c. 550 BCE) China
Perfect society if people have “beautiful conduct” Moral Code vs. Religion Filial Piety (respect for elders/ancestors) “Ignorance is the night of the mind, a night without moon or stars.”

20 How did the swastika go from a positive symbol to a negative?
Video link about Buddhist mandala creation

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