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CTE Data Portal 2019- adding contact information- do again in Fall 2019- adding teacher contact information Help- FAQ Has due dates Note- Look for Fall workshops on the Data Portal.
Preliminary Funding Report Review + fix in July
The Preliminary Funding Report allows districts to identify problems that impact state allocations. Some of the problems may include the following: • The teacher is not certified for a course • No Concentrators were submitted for a program • No Graduate Placement Surveys were submitted for a program
Preliminary Non-funded
A report of non-funded courses is produced if a course does not meet the requirements. The dollar amount not generated for a course will appear on the VOCI 55-1 (school-level) and VOCI 55-2(district-level) reports.
Preliminary Reports- Placement
Exemptions-What Are They For?
Change- May 1- deadline for request Note- teacher can have only 1 exemption per District every 5 years Note- submit via CTE Data Portal Teacher certification No reported Concentrators Expect concentrators by 3 years of new program(grace period) NOTE- if an established program goes 3 consecutive years without a concentrator- will be considered “unapproved” for state funding One exemption per program per 5 years No reported Placements Expect placements by 4 years of new program(grace period)
Exemptions- Data Portal- Instructions
DLP- District Level Performance
September 15 DLP- District Level Performance
DLP Where find?
2018 2018
2018 Performance measures- calculated using participant, concentrator, and placement data.
What is an Improvement plan (IP)?
PURPOSE: Section123(b)(1-5) of Perkins IV, mandates that districts that fail to meet 90% of the SALP on ANY measure, must submit an Improvement Plan. Form available at education/forms/. Where to upload- due September 15 in Perkins 2019
Reports- Access/Participation for Special Populations Upload by September 15 into Perkins 2019
Use school year for Grant FY2019
2019 School Year
Where Upload?
How to Upload in Related Documents
Log into ADE Connect Select CTE Grant Start a revision Go to “Sections” Select “Related Documents” Click “upload new” Upload
Final Narrative Perkins 2018- Final narrative
Application says due September 1 but timeline says September 15, 2018 2019- Final narrative Application says due September 15 and timeline says September 15, 2019
Final Narrative- Perkins 2018
This must be completed and approved by CTE GPS and Director before the Completion Report is started. If the Completion Report (CR) is started before the final narrative has been approved the completion report will have to be deleted as once the CR has been started- it blocks the CTE Director from completing the final narrative. To complete the final narrative- - Select the Performance Measure (example- PM 1S1, PM 1S2) - Review objective that was written in box 5/6 - Scroll to the box (number 9 or 10) that says final narrative- in 5000 characters or less- describe the progress of the objective - Include dates and details of outcome or progress of the objective If objective was not met - provide an explanation or provide plans on how the objective will be completed in the future. Do not leave the box blank.
Improvement Plans
Performance Improvement Plan(PIP)
A plan written to address any performance measure(PM) not met within 90% of the State Adjusted Level of Performance (SALP)- Use DLP for District data.
State Adjusted Level of Performance (SALP)
1S1-Academic-Reading 1S2-Academic- Math 2S1-Technical Skill Attainment 3S1-School Completion (GED +Grad) 4S1-Graduation 5S1-Placements 6S1-Nontraditional Participation 6S2-Nontraditional Completion NOTE: All measures except for 6S1 only include concentrators (2 or more credits) who left school.
Definitions CTE Participant: A participant is a secondary student in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 who has earned one (1) or more transcripted Carnegie Units/credits in the same CTE program area in the reporting year. CTE Concentrator: A concentrator is a secondary student who has transcripted two (2) or more Carnegie Units/credits in a state designated sequence in an approved Career and Technical Education program. Concentrators are not included in the calculation of performance measures until they leave school with a valid leave code. _____________________________ CTE Placement: A concentrator is considered “placed” if that student is in postsecondary education or advanced training, employment or military service between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 following graduation.
Improvement Plan Development-Define the Issue
Ask- Cause- What is the reason behind the non-performance? Assess- what is the root cause Solution- How does the non- performance get fixed? Break solution into manageable parts(Action Steps with deadlines and responsible party) Share written procedures with staff Monitor progress Why PM weren’t met Low test scores Teacher/program deficiency New school initiatives Budget Contributing factors- such as: High absentee rates Change in school schedule Categories (Target pop) ELL Special Education Nontrad
Questions to Ask- 2S1-TechnicalSkills
What is root cause behind the SALP data? Evaluate the extent of the problem. Have standards changed? Is teacher teaching the standards? Is curriculum aligned with approved program standards? Is curriculum/text book current? Are appropriate lab, resources, and technology provided for this program? Are all appropriate(eligible) students being assessed? Are test results- analyzed and aligned to lesson plans/curriculum? Do CTE teachers need Professional Development? Are needs of special needs students being addressed adequately? Are students taking the test seriously? What is student incentive to do well on the assessment test? Is student success- acknowledged + celebrated ?
PIP- “Developing a Plan”
1. Identify root cause- the “why” 2. Write SMART “Action Steps”- Who, What, + When will have positive impact to improve performance -May amend Perkins grant objectives Work with Grant Program Specialist for final approval Add into FY19 Perkins Grant by 11/30/18 Midyear status update – upload by 3/31/19
PIP-What Has Changed? No longer complete template + upload in related documents For Perkins 2019 find in Sections part of grant application
PIP-new For Perkins 2019
Annual Program Evaluation* Change- What is New Here?
See handout
Annual Program Evaluation(APE)
CTE Advisory Committee Meetings APE sample templates available – in related documents Advisory Committee Agendas (at least 2) Names and contact information of participants Program Action Plans Executive Summary
APE Summary- What to Upload
1. Meeting Agenda 2. Committee Member Contact Documentation 3. Action Plan 4. Executive Summary Due November 30, 2018 in Perkins 2019
Where Upload? Due November 30 in Perkins 2019
Samples- label each uploaded document
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