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The point is class B via 3NNC.

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1 The point is class B via 3NNC.
2018/11/17 Concept of KNNC Steps: 1. Find the first k nearest neighbors of a given point. 2. Determine the class of the given point by voting among these k nearest neighbors. : class-A point : class-B point : point with unknown class 3-nearest neighbors The point is class B via 3NNC. Feature 2 2018/11/17 Feature 1

2 Flowchart for KNNC General flowchart of PR: KNNC: Feature extraction
2018/11/17 Flowchart for KNNC General flowchart of PR: KNNC: Feature extraction From raw data to features Data modeling Clustering (optional) Evaluation Distance Computation For KNNC 2018/11/17

3 Decision Boundary for 1NNC
2018/11/17 Decision Boundary for 1NNC Voronoi diagram: piecewise linear boundary 2018/11/17

4 Characteristics of KNNC
Strengths of KNNC Most Intuitive No data modeling required Drawbacks of KNNC Massive computation required when dataset is big No straightforward way to determine the value of K No straightforward way to rescale the dataset along each dimension 2018/11/17

5 Preprocessing/Variants for KNNC
2018/11/17 Preprocessing/Variants for KNNC Preprocessing: Data rescaling to have zero mean and unit variance along each feature Value of K obtained via trials and errors Variants: Weighted votes Nearest prototype classification Edited nearest neighbor classification k+k-nearest neighbor 2018/11/17

6 Demos by Cleve Cleve’s Demos of Delaunay triangles and Voronoi diagram
books/dcpr/example/cleve/vshow.m 2018/11/17

7 1NNC Decision Boundaries

8 1NNC Distance as Surfaces and Contours

9 Using Prototypes in KNNC
No. of prototypes for each class is 4. 2018/11/17

10 Decision Boundaries of Different Classifiers
Quadratic classifier 1KNNC classifeir Naive Bayes classifier 2018/11/17

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