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Death of a Salesman Introduction

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1 Death of a Salesman Introduction
The American Dream Death of a Salesman Introduction

2 There was something unique about the 1950's - young men returning from war to a nation ravished and ripe for one of the greatest booms in civilized history. An explosion in geographic locations, development, corporations, society, and population. At the heart of this growth was the American Dream. Some believe that this dream grew out of the GI Bill, the rush back to normalcy, the government, large corporations. What was it???

3 It was the idea that every young man should marry a young woman and have three darling children. They would live in a cutout house in the suburbs that were connected by these new superhighways. Every house to look the same, with a small TV, cute kitchen, well kept yard, and the white picket fence out back. Rover, the family dog, would be one with the family. Father would be the strong figure - working hard to earn for his family and coming home to teach his son how to play baseball. What a pretty picture…




7 It was the idea that every young man should marry a young woman and have three darling children. They would live in a cutout house in the suburbs that were connected by these new superhighways. Every house to look the same, with a small TV, cute kitchen, well kept yard, and the white picket fence out back. Rover, the family dog, would be one with the family. Father would be the strong figure - working hard to earn for his family and coming home to teach his son how to play baseball. Mother would stay at home, raise the children, keep house, and tend to her husband once he came home. Johnny, their son, would be a three sport star who never uttered a swear word… What a dream

8 MLK jr. “Letters from Birmingham Jail”
"We will win our freedom because the sacred heritage of our nation and the eternal will of God are embodied in our echoing demands when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch counters they were in reality standing up for what is best in the American dream and for the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage, thereby bringing our nation back to those great wells of democracy which were dug deep by the founding fathers in their formulation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence." MLK jr. “Letters from Birmingham Jail”

9 Stems back as far as America itself… this idea that colonists can become a super power and overcome Great Britain, which was the most powerful nation in the world.

10 In a half a page or more write a creative personal response from the perspective of anyone from the late 1940’s to the 1950’s in America. Include the following in your response: Feelings Emotions Sensory perception Task at Hand

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