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*Preparation Notes* Have Index Cards for each sales associate in a stack on the tables. They will use these to record their favorite questions they ask customers. Have a flip chart ready to take notes during the discussion. Consider asking the GSM or a respected, experienced Front Line team member to help you flip chart responses. * Delete this slide before presenting *

2 Weichert’s Customer Experience
Continuing our Focus on the Point of Sale Engaging the Customer 2

3 Initial Impression Discussion
Who here has listened to Brand X calls made to offices? There were times when the sales associate and the customer were saying nothing as the sales associate was looking up the property on the MLS. Sometimes silence can feel awkward . . .

4 Engaging the Customer When you think of engaging the customer at the initial point of contact (whether it’s an Open House or over the phone), what’s your favorite question to ask customers that elicits a lot of information and gets the conversation going? (assume you’ve already asked “How are you?” or “How may I help you?” etc.) Hand out Index Card and Write A Question

5 Index Card Shuffle Swap questions
Read the question on your card and see if it meets the “test” I’m about to give you on the next page. Let’s discuss your feedback on these questions. sales sales associates Read Question off Index Cards

6 Test Your Question Does your question . . .
Elicit more than a “Yes,” “No,” or short answer (like 4 bedrooms or XYZ Town)? Cause the customer to think, compare or prioritize? Engage the customer in a conversation? If you can check each box, raise your hand and share your question

7 Questions to Engage the Customer
Let’s share the best questions that engage the customer and I’ll share some of my own. What questions would help you engage the customer in a conversation and bring you closer to the customer? Flip Chart Responses

8 ENGAGING Questions for the Buyer
What was it about this property that attracted you? (on the phone calling in on a listing) What’s prompting you to make a move right now? (any situation) What’s most important to you in your home search? (any situation) How does this compare to the other homes you’ve seen? (open house) How is your home search going? (any situation)

9 Making Connections . . . Who has a recent example of how using their favorite question worked for them in building a relationship?

10 What will you try? What question do you think you might want to try on the phone, at an open house or with someone you meet face to face?

11 Thank you for your participation!

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