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Common Teachings Between Christianity and Islam

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1 Common Teachings Between Christianity and Islam
AWARE Center

2 God, the Creator God is the creator of the universe.
Worship is devotion to God God is the creator of the universe. Worship is service and obedience to God.

3 Angels

4 Scripture as the Word of God

5 Adam & Eve First man & woman. Tempted by Satan.
Both ate from the forbidden tree

6 The Prophets Adam (Adam) Idris (Enoch) Nuh (Noah) Hud Salih (Salih)
Ibrahim (Abraham) Ismail (Ishmael) Ishaq (Issac) Lut (Lot) Yaqub (Jacob) Yusuf (Joseph) Shuaib Ayyub (Job) Musa (Moses) Harun (Aaron) Dhul-kifl (Ezekiel) Dawud (David) Sulaiman (Soloman) Ilias (Elias) Al-Yasa (Elisha) Yunus (Jonah) Zakariyya (Zechariah) Yahya (John)

7 Prophets performed miracles
Human but guided. The Prophets performed a variety of miracles to prove their prophet-hood. Many were persecuted.

8 10 commandments

9 Prayer " Abraham bowed down with his face touching the ground." Genesis 15:3 "Joshua threw himself on the ground in worship" Joshua 5:14 “Jesus went a little further on, threw himself face downwards on the ground and prayed." Matthew 26:39

10 Virgin Mary Prophet Zacharia was her mentor.
She was the mother of Jesus (PBUH). She was the best of all women.

11 Jesus His Miracles. Healing the sick.
Bringing a dead man back to life. Will return to fight the Anti-Christ.

12 Marriage (Basis of society)


14 Modesty

15 Free Will “Whoever works righteousness benefits his own soul; whoever works evil, it is against his own soul” (Quran 41v46)

16 Fate The timeless knowledge of God anticipates events and that events take place according to the exact knowledge of God.

17 Charity Giving charity is highly recommended.
Money, food, clothing, help.

18 Morals Good Morals are one of the foundations of society.
A lack of good morals corrupts society.

19 Parables Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
The Lost Sheep (Matt 18: Luke 15:4-7) City favoured but ungrateful (Quran 16:112&113) Two men (Quran 18:32-44) Undermined Sandcliff (9:109&110)

20 Abstain from evil “Put all things to the test: keep what is good and avoid every kind of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21&22) “Nor can goodness and evil be equal. Repel (evil) with what is better.” (Quran 41:34)

21 Salutation “Peace be with you” Matthew 26:49 Luke 24:36 John 20:19-21
“Assalaamu alaikom”

22 Life after Death Belief that this world is not all there is.
Belief that you won’t die until it’s your time to die. Life in the grave, punishment for some sins.

23 Day of Judgment Salvation though the belief in Christ as Lord and Saviour. Salvation through belief in Islam and your good deeds weigh more then your bad deeds.

24 Heaven


26 Thank you

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