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Experimental Particle Physics in UM Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah

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1 Experimental Particle Physics in UM Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah
Dept of Physics, Universiti Malaya and Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya Sept 2010

2 High Energy Physics Research Group
Zainol Abidin Ibrahim Burhanuddin Kamaluddin Faridah Mohamad Idris Zulidza Zulkaply Zukhaimira Zolkaply Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah

3 about 450 scientists about 50 institutions about 15 countries about 20 years

4 e± p




8 Readout control of ZEUS calorimeter
Analog readout modules of ZEUS calorimeter Table Pipeline Buffer Format Readout control FPGA-based readout on a single chip Output signals from the FPGA-based readout control

9 Outputs to Digital Cards
Figure 1. Readout control of the calorimeter in the ZEUS detector, showing five controlling modules i.e. table, pipeline, buffer, format and generator Readout control Table module Pipeline module Buffer module Format module Generator module Outputs to Digital Cards 96ns GFLT Serial data (16-bits) Figure 2. Serial input block diagram in the table module of the readout controller Serial shift register 16 bits SDin SC Table RAM 16 bits Drivers D A WE Q Delay Sample Pipeline control Legend:SC- Serial Clock; SDin - Serial Data input; A - GFLT Trigger; WE- Write Enabled




13 Forward calorimeter of ZEUS detector
Halomuons Forward calorimeter of ZEUS detector μ+ 30GeV 920GeV Total energy distribution of halomuons in FCAL and RCAL (solid line), in comparison with halomuon energy distribution in FCAL (dash line) Muons μ+ moving in straight trajectory from rear to front part of ZEUS calorimeter. Accelerated protons interacted with rest gas to produce π+ that decayed into μ+

14 Tracking Composite Efficiency

15 Long-lived neutral hadrons in ZEUS calorimeter
Reconstructed mass (GeV) of Momentum (GeV) of Momentum (GeV) of neutron Reconstructed mass (GeV) neutron Reconstructed mass of vector meson φ (1020) from channel: Reconstructed mass of baryon Λ from channel:

16 diffractive

17 Exclusive psi’ Ψ’(2S)  J/Ψ +ˉ + ˉ

18 GR Data (all) MC A= Σ=0.0896mub


20 Diquarks Baryons Tetraquarks, pentaquarks, …


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