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National Energy Administration of China U.S. Department of Energy

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National Energy Administration of China U.S. Department of Energy China Overseas Development Association

2 Kick-off Webinar: Agenda
Introduction of OCSDC Team Solar Decathlon China 2017 Collegiate Teams Financial Support, Prize Mechanism, and Market Potential Competition Timeline Solar Decathlon China 2017 Hosting City Summary and Next Steps

3 Hongxi Yin, Richard King, Zheng (Kevin) Chen

4 OCSDC Key Team Members Hongxi Yin Kevin Chen Ang Li Director,
Steering Committee, Solar Decathlon China Kevin Chen Deputy Director, Organizing Committee, Solar Decathlon China Ang Li Director, Organizing Committee, Solar Decathlon China

5 Welcom to Solar Decathlon China 2017
Solar Decathlon China 2017 is an award-winning research, education and outreach program challenging twenty colligate teams to design and build an attractive solar-powered house of building area between 120 to 200 m2. The height limitation is 8.4 m. Battery is allowed for energy balance. Each team should demonstrate the house’s originality in design, high efficiency in energy production and consumption, high performance in indoor environment quality, and innovation. Team Sweden, Sweden, Third Place Winner, Solar Decathlon China 2013

6 What is The Ten Contests?
The Solar Decathlon China consists of ten juried and measured contests. These contests are designed to assess appealing, performance, and affordability. Juried (jury evaluation) Architecture, Market Appeal, Engineering , Communications, & Affordability Measured (monitored performances) Comfort Zone, Appliances, Home Life, Commuting, Energy Balance etc. University of Wollongong, Australia, First Place Winner, Solar Decathlon China 2013

7 Overview of Solar Decathlon China 2017 Teams
Tsinghua University Tongji University Southeast University South China University of Technology Xi’an Jiaotong University Beijing Jiaotong University Shanghai Jiaotong University & University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA) Ryerson University, Seneca College, University of Toronto, & Humber College (CANADA) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (INDIA) Nanjing Tech University Shandong University of Science and Technology & Western New England University College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS), Israel Fujian University Of Technology & New Jersey Institute of Technology (USA)

8 Overview of Solar Decathlon China 2017 Teams
Technical University Darmstadt (GERMANY) Drexel University (US) Shanghai University of Engineering Science Hunan University Seoul National University (SOUTH KOREA) Politecnico Di Torino (ITALIA) National School of Architecture of Britanny, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Rennes, University of Rennes 2, University of Rennes 1 , High School Joliot Curie of Rennes, & Technical School of Compagnons du Devoir of Rennes (FRANCE) University of Wollongong (AUSTRALIA) More…

9 Map: Teams in China Tsinghua University Beijing Jiaotong University
Shandong U of Science & Tech Xi’an Jiaotong University Southeast University Nanjing Tech University Tongji Unviersity Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai U of Engineering Science Hunan University Fujian U of Tech South China U of Tech

10 Map: Teams Worldwide Ryerson U, Seneca College,
our office Ryerson U, Seneca College, U of Toronto, & Humber College NSAB, NIASR, U of Rennes, HSJCR, TSCDR TU Darmstadt Western New England U U of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Politechnical Di Torino NJ Institute of Tech Drexel University Seoul National U College of Management Academic Studies Indian Institute of Tech Bombay U of Wollongon

A. Startup Funding Each team that is selected by OCSDC to compete in the Solar Decathlon China 2017 Competition will receive a $50,000 financial support to complete the competition project. B. Prize Based on Result OCSDC provide a total of $2,500,000 financial support and monetary prize in category A and B. C. Compensation for Long Term Use OCSDC will help the teams to transfer their entries to the local entity for long-term demonstration and get reasonable compensation.

12 Prize Structure $400,000 $250,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0
Place/ Rank Award 1st $400,000 2nd $250,000 3rd $150,000 4th-5th $100,000 6th-10th $50,000 11th-25th $0 Total $1,250,000

By leveraging the Chinese market and government support, OCSDC is investigating a one-stop post-competition incubation program for all the participants of the Solar Decathlon China 2017 that includes talent recruitment, technology transfer, startup incubation and entry commercialization.

14 Committee Administration & Resource for Teams
Committee Expertise The Organizing Committee Solar Decathlon China will provide both financial and technical assistance and support for teams participating in the 2017 Solar Decathlon China Competition. OCSDC is chartered by China National Energy Administration, China Overseas Development Association (CODA), US Department of Energy, and the hosting city government, which has the proven expertise of large project management and event planning. Solar Decathlon China Governmental and Industrial Partners OCSDC has introduced both governmental and industrial entities to collaborate in the organization of the competition and provide necessary resources for the teams. With these partners, OCSDC aim to help competing teams understand their design practice with market demand, and promote economical opportunities for the participating teams, organizations, and the larger international housing market.

15 Competition Timeline

16 Solar Decathlon China 2017 Hosting City
Dezhou, Shandong, China

17 Solar Decathlon China 2017 Hosting City
Dezhou, Shandong, China ADJACENCY Geographicaly close to Beijing and major east China cities (Tianjin, Jinan, etc) POLULATION Dezhou has 5.8 million citizens and influences over 300 million people in the north China region TRANSPORTATION Dezhou is an important Station of the National TGV system SOLAR CITY Dezhou is one of the leading city in solar technology

18 Summary and Next Steps Summary
Currently, there are 20 teams consisting of 12 Chinese Institutions and 19 International institutions from 9 countries worldwide. OCSDC expect teams in the competition Along with the hosting city and industrial partners, OCSDC is investigating the framework of commercializing the designed proposals within current Chinese market. The city of Dezhou is very supportive of the 2017 Solar Decathlon China competition and encourages innovations from China and international teams

19 Summary and Next Steps Next Steps
Join our WeChat Community: SDChina Team Faculty Release of Solar Decathlon China 2017 Rule Submission of Full Application Questions and Contact:

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