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Figure 32.3a Arteries of the head, neck, and brain.

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2 Figure 32.3a Arteries of the head, neck, and brain.
Basilar artery Ophthalmic artery Vertebral artery Branches of the external carotid artery Internal carotid artery Superficial temporal artery External carotid artery Maxillary artery Occipital artery Common carotid artery Facial artery Lingual artery Thyrocervical trunk Superior thyroid artery Costocervical trunk Larynx Subclavian artery Thyroid gland (overlying trachea) Clavicle (cut) Axillary artery Brachiocephalic trunk Internal thoracic artery 2

3 Figure 32.3b Arteries of the head, neck, and brain.
Anterior Cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis) Frontal lobe Olfactory bulb Anterior communicating artery Optic chiasma Middle cerebral artery Anterior cerebral artery Internal carotid artery Posterior communicating artery Pituitary gland Temporal lobe Posterior cerebral artery Pons Basilar artery Occipital lobe Cerebellum Vertebral artery Posterior 3

4 Figure 32.4 Arteries of the right upper limb and thorax.
Vertebral artery Common carotid arteries Thyrocervical trunk Right subclavian artery Costocervical trunk Suprascapular artery Left subclavian artery Thoracoacromial artery Brachiocephalic trunk Axillary artery Posterior intercostal arteries Posterior circumflex humeral artery Anterior circumflex humeral artery Anterior intercostal artery Subscapular artery Internal thoracic artery Brachial artery Lateral thoracic artery Deep artery of arm Thoracic aorta Common interosseous artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Deep palmar arch Superficial palmar arch Digital arteries 4

5 Figure 32.5a Arteries of the abdomen.
Esophagus Liver (cut) Diaphragm Inferior vena cava Celiac trunk Left gastric artery Common hepatic artery Stomach Hepatic artery proper Splenic artery Gastroduodenal artery Left gastroepiploic artery Right gastric artery Gallbladder Spleen Pancreas (major portion lies posterior to stomach) Right gastroepiploic artery Duodenum Abdominal aorta Superior mesenteric artery 5

6 Figure 32.5b Arteries of the abdomen.
Hiatus (opening) for inferior vena cava Diaphragm Hiatus (opening) for esophagus Inferior phrenic artery Adrenal (suprarenal) gland Middle suprarenal artery Celiac trunk Renal artery Kidney Superior mesenteric artery Abdominal aorta Gonadal (testicular or ovarian) artery Lumbar arteries Inferior mesenteric artery Ureter Median sacral artery Common iliac artery 6

7 Figure 32.5c Arteries of the abdomen.
Celiac trunk Superior mesenteric artery Transverse colon Abdominal aorta Branches of the superior mesenteric artery Inferior mesenteric artery Middle colic artery Intestinal arteries Branches of the inferior mesenteric artery Right colic artery Ileocolic artery Left colic artery Sigmoidal arteries Ascending colon Superior rectal artery Right common iliac artery Descending colon Ileum Cecum Sigmoid colon Appendix Rectum 7

8 Figure 32.6 Arteries of the right pelvis and lower limb.
Common iliac artery Internal iliac artery Superior gluteal artery External iliac artery Deep artery of thigh Obturator artery Medial circumflex femoral artery Lateral circumflex femoral artery Femoral artery Adductor hiatus Popliteal artery Popliteal artery Anterior tibial artery Anterior tibial artery Fibular artery Posterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Fibular artery Lateral plantar artery Dorsalis pedis artery Medial plantar artery Arcuate artery Dorsalis pedis artery (from top of foot) Dorsal metatarsal arteries Plantar arch 8

9 Figure 32.8 Veins of the right pelvis and lower limb.
Common iliac vein Internal iliac vein External iliac vein Inguinal ligament Femoral vein Great saphenous vein (superficial) Great saphenous vein Popliteal vein Popliteal vein Small saphenous vein Anterior tibial vein Fibular vein Fibular vein Small saphenous vein (superficial) Anterior tibial vein Dorsalis pedis vein Posterior tibial vein Dorsal venous arch Plantar veins Deep plantar arch Dorsal metatarsal veins Digital veins Anterior view Posterior view 9

10 Hepatic veins Inferior phrenic vein Renal veins Inferior vena cava
Figure Venous drainage of abdominal organs not drained by the hepatic portal vein. Hepatic veins Inferior phrenic vein Renal veins Inferior vena cava Left suprarenal vein Right suprarenal vein Left ascending lumbar vein Lumbar veins Right gonadal vein Left gonadal vein Common iliac vein External iliac vein Internal iliac vein 10

11 Figure 32.10 Venous drainage of the head, neck, and brain.
Ophthalmic vein Superficial temporal vein Facial vein Superior sagittal sinus Occipital vein Falx cerebri Posterior auricular vein Inferior sagittal sinus External jugular vein Cavernous sinus Vertebral vein Straight sinus Internal jugular vein Confluence of sinuses Superior and middle thyroid veins Transverse sinuses Brachioce- phalic vein Sigmoid sinus Subclavian vein Jugular foramen Superior vena cava Right internal jugular vein 11

12 Figure 32.11 Veins of the thorax and right upper limb.
Internal jugular vein Brachiocephalic veins External jugular vein Right subclavian vein Left subclavian vein Axillary vein Superior vena cava Brachial vein Azygos vein Cephalic vein Accessory hemiazygos vein Basilic vein Hemiazygos vein Posterior intercostals Inferior vena cava Median cubital vein Ascending lumbar vein Median antebrachial vein Basilic vein Cephalic vein Ulnar vein Radial vein Deep venous palmar arch Superficial venous palmar arch Digital veins 12

13 Figure 32.14 Hepatic portal circulation.
Hepatic veins Gastric veins Liver Spleen Hepatic portal vein Splenic vein Right gastroepiploic vein Inferior mesenteric vein Superior mesenteric vein Small intestine Large intestine Rectum 13


15 Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone Frontal sinus Sphenoidal sinus
Figure 36.1c Structures of the upper respiratory tract (midsagittal section). Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone Frontal sinus Sphenoidal sinus Nasal cavity Nasal conchae (superior, middle, and inferior) Posterior nasal aperture Nasopharynx Pharyngeal tonsil Nasal vestibule Opening of pharyngotympanic tube Nostril Hard palate Nasal meatuses (superior, middle, and inferior) Uvula Oropharynx Palatine tonsil Soft palate Isthmus of the fauces Tongue Lingual tonsil Laryngopharynx Larynx Hyoid bone Epiglottis Esophagus Vestibular fold Thyroid cartilage Vocal fold Trachea Cricoid cartilage Thyroid gland 15

16 Figure 36.2 Structure of the larynx.
Epiglottis Body of hyoid bone Thyrohyoid membrane Body of hyoid bone Thyrohyoid membrane Fatty pad Cuneiform cartilage Thyroid cartilage Vestibular fold (false vocal cord) Corniculate cartilage Arytenoid cartilage Laryngeal prominence (Adam’s apple) Thyroid cartilage Arytenoid muscles Vocal fold (true vocal cord) Cricoid cartilage Cricothyroid ligament Cricothyroid ligament Cricotracheal ligament Cricotracheal ligament Tracheal cartilages Anterior superficial view Sagittal view; anterior surface to the right 16

17 Figure 36.3 Structures of the lower respiratory tract.
Trachea Superior lobe of left lung Left main (primary) bronchus Alveolar duct Alveoli Lobar (secondary) bronchus Respiratory bronchioles Segmental (tertiary) bronchus Superior lobe of right lung Inferior lobe of left lung Terminal bronchiole Alveolar sac Middle lobe of right lung Inferior lobe of right lung 17

18 Figure Diagram of the relationship between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries involved in gas exchange. Red blood cell Nucleus of type I alveolar cell Alveolar pores Capillary O2 Capillary CO2 Macrophage Alveolus Endothelial cell nucleus Alveolus Alveolar epithelium Respiratory membrane Fused basement membranes of the alveolar epithelium and the capillary endothelium Capillary endothelium Alveoli (gas-filled air spaces) Red blood cell in capillary Type II alveolar cell Type I alveolar cell 18

19 Figure 36.5a Anatomical relationships of organs in the thoracic cavity.
Intercostal muscle Trachea Rib Thymus Parietal pleura Lung Pleural cavity Apex of lung Visceral pleura Right superior lobe Horizontal fissure Right middle lobe Left superior lobe Oblique fissure Oblique fissure Right inferior lobe Heart (in mediastinum) Left inferior lobe Diaphragm Cardiac notch Base of lung 19

20 Figure 36.5b Anatomical relationships of organs in the thoracic cavity.
Left superior lobe Apex of lung Oblique fissure Pulmonary artery Left inferior lobe Left main bronchus Hilum of lung Pulmonary vein Aortic impression Cardiac impression Oblique fissure Lobules 20

21 Figure 36.5c Anatomical relationships of organs in the thoracic cavity.
Posterior Vertebra Esophagus (in mediastinum) Root of lung at hilum Right lung Left main bronchus Parietal pleura Left pulmonary artery Left pulmonary vein Visceral pleura Left lung Pleural cavity Thoracic wall Pulmonary trunk Pericardial membranes Heart (in mediastinum) Anterior mediastinum Sternum Anterior 21

22 Figure 36.6 Tissue composition of the tracheal wall.
Posterior Mucosa Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Lamina propria (connective tissue) Esophagus Submucosa Trachealis muscle Lumen of trachea Seromucous gland in submucosa Hyaline cartilage Adventitia Anterior 22

23 Figure 36.7 Microscopic structure of a bronchiole and alveoli.
Pseudostratified epithelium Smooth muscle Lumen of bronchiole Lamina propria Respiratory bronchiole Alveolar pores Alveolar duct Alveoli Alveolar sac 23

24 Figure D3.1 Incisions to be made in opening the ventral body cavity of a cat.
2 or 2 3 Diaphragm 3 1 4 4 Incision

25 Figure D3.2 Ventral body cavity organs of the cat.
Trachea Right subclavian vein Left lung (apical lobe) Thymus Brachiocephalic artery Aortic arch Parietal pericardium (cut) Pulmonary trunk Heart Diaphragm Liver Gallbladder Stomach Duodenum (initial portion of small intestine) Greater omentum (cut) Transverse colon (portion of large intestine) Spleen Mesentery Small intestine Colon (descending) 25

26 Figure D4.2 Arterial system of the cat.
External carotid artery Larynx Internal carotid artery Right common carotid artery Left common carotid artery Vertebral artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Subscapular artery Thyrocervical trunk Brachial artery Ventral thoracic artery Axillary artery Long thoracic artery Costocervical trunk Left subclavian artery Internal thoracic (mammary) artery Left pulmonary artery Pulmonary trunk Right subclavian artery Intercostal arteries Brachiocephalic artery Descending thoracic aorta Aortic arch Celiac trunk Edge of diaphragm Adrenolumbar artery Superior mesenteric artery Adrenal gland Descending abdominal aorta Inferior mesenteric artery Iliolumbar artery Renal artery Right external iliac artery Gonadal artery (testicular or ovarian) Femoral artery Left internal iliac artery Saphenous artery Sural artery Popliteal artery Median sacral artery (caudal artery in tail) Posterior tibial artery Anterior tibial artery 26

27 Figure D4.4 Venous system of the cat.
Anterior facial vein Transverse scapular vein Posterior facial vein Right vertebral vein External jugular vein Axillary vein Internal jugular vein Radial vein Subscapular vein Ulnar vein Cephalic vein Median cubital vein Subclavian vein Brachial vein Brachiocephalic veins Internal thoracic (mammary) vein Superior vena cava (precava) Azygos vein Inferior vena cava (postcava) Hepatic veins Diaphragm Kidney Adrenal gland Renal veins Adrenolumbar vein Gonadal vein (testicular or ovarian) Gonadal vein (testicular or ovarian) Iliolumbar vein Common iliac vein External iliac vein Popliteal vein Internal iliac vein Great saphenous vein Femoral vein Deep femoral vein Anterior tibial vein Posterior tibial vein 27

28 Figure D4.3 Cat dissected to reveal major blood vessels.
Transverse jugular vein Left and right common carotid arteries External jugular vein Subclavian vein Right subclavian artery Axillary vein Brachiocephalic vein Left subclavian artery Superior vena cava (precava) Brachiocephalic artery Heart Descending thoracic aorta Hepatic veins Celiac trunk Inferior vena cava (postcava) Superior mesenteric artery Adrenolumbar artery and vein Renal artery and vein Descending abdominal aorta Gonadal artery Common iliac vein Inferior mesenteric artery Iliolumbar artery and vein Internal iliac vein External iliac artery Internal iliac artery Femoral artery and vein External iliac vein 28

29 Figure D4.5b Hepatic portal circulation of the cat.
Liver Gastrosplenic vein Hepatic portal vein Inferior vena cava Duodenum Left splenic vein Pancreas Anterior and posterior pancreaticoduodenal veins Spleen Right splenic vein Superior (cranial) mesenteric vein Colon Small intestine (cut) 29

30 Figure D6.1 External nares, oral cavity, and pharynx of the cat.
Hard palate Soft palate Oropharynx Opening into nasopharynx Laryngopharynx

31 Figure D6.2 Respiratory system of the cat.
Hyoid bone Larynx Epiglottis Thyroid cartilage Trachea Cricoid cartilage Thymus Thyroid gland Lobes of right lung Lobes of left lung • Anterior • Anterior • Middle • Middle • Posterior • Posterior • Mediastinal Heart Diaphragm Liver 31

32 Figure D6.4  Photograph of the respiratory system of the cat.
Anterior facial vein Larynx Posterior facial vein Thyroid gland Left external jugular vein Trachea Left common carotid artery Left subclavian vein Superior vena cava (precava) Thymus Right ventricle of heart Left ventricle of heart Lungs Diaphragm 32

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