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January 17, 2016 Tell me how Great God is!

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Presentation on theme: "January 17, 2016 Tell me how Great God is!"— Presentation transcript:

1 January 17, 2016 Tell me how Great God is!

2 Give Me Life! Psalms 119:25-32









11 Give Me Life! Psalms 119:25-32

12 Introduction: James Dobson tells the true story of a little toddler named Frankie. He was a handful to say the least. One day he pulled a chair over to the front window of his house, and carefully placed it inside the drapes. He was standing there staring out at the world when his mother came looking for him. She spied his little white legs protruding beneath the drapes, and quietly slipped in behind him to see what the was doing. She got there just to hear him say to himself in very somber terms, “I’ve got to get out of here!”

13 Do you ever feel trapped
Do you ever feel trapped? Have you ever felt like you were at the end of your rope?

14 What do you do when you reach that point
What do you do when you reach that point? The realist would say, “Just tie a knot and hang on.” The pessimist would say, “You might as well let go; it’s only going to get worse.” The optimist might say, “Just tie another knot and keep on climbing.” Each of those has it’s merits but, in reality, what can you do? What do you do? *When you are facing problems with your children that seem to be over-whelming and possibly can’t be solved? *When your marriage is on the rocks and the crashing waves of hopelessness are unrelenting? *When there is a problem at work and it seems that there is no way out?

15 What do you do? *When you have to much month left at the end of your money? *When you have had to say good bye to a love one and you cannot escape the loneliness, grief and pain? *When your heart is broken, your dreams are shattered and your hopes have been dashed to bits on the cruel rocks of reality? *When you flesh is worn out and it is a constant struggle to spend the day wearing it? *When you are walking through a spiritual wasteland and there seems to be no way out? I don’t think anyone but the Lord has the answers to all these questions and others, “When you reach the end of your Rope.”


17 Psalms 110, is a poem of love for the word of God
Psalms 110, is a poem of love for the word of God. In verse 28 the Psalmist cries out in anguish and in verse 25 when it says, “his soul clings to the dust”, which his implying that he is struggling and this is his confession. But his prayer or request of God is, “give me life according to your word”. 1) Father keep your promises that are declared in your word. 2) Father help me know, accept and live your word and find life in it. The Word of God is not a trifle; it is a matter of life and death. If you treat Scripture as empty words, you can forfeit life.

18 God’ Word: 1) Our physical life depends on it
God’ Word: 1) Our physical life depends on it. Hebrews 1:3 “He upholds the universe by the word of his power.” 2)Our spiritual Life begins and continues in it. I Peter 1:23, “You have been born again…..through the living and abiding word of God.” 3) Hope, comfort, solutions for times when it seems like all you can do is, Hang on! Is found in God’s word. II Peter 1:3, “His divine power has given us everything…”

19 Life Hangs on the Word of God
Life Hangs on the Word of God. He said to them, “Take to heart all the words by which I am warning you today, that you may command them to your children, that they may be careful to do all the words of the law. For it is no empty word for you, but your very life, and by this word you shall live long in the land that you are going over the Jordon to Possess.” (Deuteronomy 32:46,47)

20 Conclusion: A construction crew were building a new road through a rural area, knocking down trees as it progressed. A superintendent notice that one tree had a nest of birds who couldn’t yet fly and he marked the tree so that it would no be cut down. Several weeks later, the Superintendent came back to the tree and found the nest empty and ordered the tree cut down. As the tree crashed to the ground, the nest fell out of the tree And some of the material that the birds had used caught his attention. Part of it was a scrap of paper from a Sunday school pamphlet. On it was the words; “He careth for You!” Fill your self with God’s word Run to it in times of struggle







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