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The New Republic Chapter 1 Section 4.

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1 The New Republic Chapter 1 Section 4

2 Lecture Focus Question
How did the United States and its government change in the late 1700s and early 1800s? Explain.

3 First Presidents Washington John Adams First president Served 2 terms
GW’s Farewell Address Importance of unity, good credit, and isolationism John Adams V.P. under GW 2nd president Federalist Party Signed Alien & Sedition Acts

4 Political Parties Alexander Hamilton: Thomas Jefferson:
Federalist Secretary of Treasury under Washington Est. National Bank → needed for a strong economy Elastic Clause: “implied powers” in Constitution Thomas Jefferson: Democratic-Republican Secretary of State under Washington (3rd president) Opposed National Bank → too much power in too few hands Limit federal govt to “explicit powers” in Constitution

5 Expanding West Manifest Destiny: idea that the U.S. was intended by God to expand across North America from Atlantic to Pacific Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson bought Louisiana territory for $15 million


7 The Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution: effort to increase production by using machines Led to the growth of cities Cotton gin: a machine that separates seeds from raw cotton fibers Demand for slave labor increased dramatically

8 North VS. South North became industrialized quickly
Textile mills Labor unions: organization of workers formed to protect their interests Strike: work stoppage South still primarily rural Plantations Cotton gin → demand for slave labor on the rise Primary cash crop is now cotton

9 Strained Foreign Relations
French Revolution Great Britain tests U.S.’s neutrality War of 1812 U.S. dealings with France anger GB Embargo: suspended trade GB & US go to war again British burn down the White House Both sides tired of war → peace treaty

10 Foreign Policy James Monroe: 5th U.S. pres. Monroe Doctrine
U.S. would not take sides in internal affairs in Europe U.S. wouldn’t permit further colonization of Western Hemisphere Lacked strong army and navy to enforce it

11 SUMMARY Summary These notes were about… (1-2 sent.)

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