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BYZANTINE EMPIRE Eastern Roman Empire Chapter 11, Sections 1-3

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1 BYZANTINE EMPIRE Eastern Roman Empire Chapter 11, Sections 1-3

2 *CONSTANTINOPLE* 330, Emperor Constantine forced to move the New Roman capital city east to Constantinople. 1. could respond to the dangerous Germanic tribes 2. closer to rich eastern empire 3. great location for trade (water & land) 4. *Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia

3 *Diocletian splits the empire into the East (Byzantine) and West (Roman), 395

4 ROME= The Western Empire BYZANTINE= The Eastern Empire
Includes Italy, Gaul, Britain, & Spain Spoke Latin Conquered by Germanic Tribes, 476 Broke apart into local political groups BYZANTINE= The Eastern Empire Includes Greece Asia Minor, Syria, & Egypt Spoke Greek Remains of the old Roman empire were unified under the Byzantine Empire

5 *Justinian 527-565 1st Byzantine Emperor*
*Undertook massive building projects (Hagia Sophia) *Re-conquered most of the western half of the former Roman Empire *Codified Roman laws Justinian I, who reigned A.D., was the last Roman emperor and the first Byzantine emperor. He is best-known for his codification of the Roman law. As part of his attempt to reconstitute the Roman Empire, he recovered much of the territory which had been lost to the Barbarians. He built the Hagia Sophia ( the Church of the Holy Wisdom) at Constantinople, and carried the Byzantine style of art into the West. This portrait is a detail from a mosaic I the Church of San Vitale at Ravenna, Italy.

6 Hagia Sophia The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, now Istanbul. This masterpiece of Byzantine art was built on the site of churches which dated from the time of Constantine. The present structure was begun under Emperor Justinian in 532 and was dedicated in Justinian was supposed to have said “Oh, Solomon I have surpassed thee.”

7 Largest arched dome & cathedral in the world from 537-1520
Built in 537, Hagia Sophia has been a cathedral, mosque, & now a museum Largest arched dome & cathedral in the world from Inside Hagia

8 An interior view of Hagia Sophia
An interior view of Hagia Sophia. Despite five damaging earthquakes between 553 and 986, HS remains to this day basically in its original form. After the Turkish conquest of Constantinople, the building was converted into a mosque, and then under Turkish President Kemal Ataturk it became a museum.

9 *Justinian's Code Body of Law created for the Byzantine Empire.
Codified all Roman laws-10 legal experts studied 400 yrs of Roman law for 5 yrs & created a single, uniform code of laws. Regulated all areas of life: marriage, slavery, property, crime, Women's Rights *Preserved Roman legal principles and practices. *Considered a milestone because it served as a model for European legal system.

10 Courageous and Influential
*Empress Theodora Wife of Justinian Courageous and Influential *“Every man born to see the light of day must die…but one who has been an emperor can not endure to be a fugitive…but take care that after you are safe, you do not find that you would gladly exchange that safety for death” - Empress Theodora

11 *BYZANTINE EMPIRE* Justinian Code Capital @ Constantinople
Preserved Greek & Roman Culture E. Orthodox Christianity Built Hagia Sophia

12 CHRISTIANITY Christianity is the belief in Jesus Christ and his teachings. First Christian faith = Catholic Roman Empire would influence the development of the Roman Catholic Church and later, its division.

13 *ICON Controversy *730, Byzantine Emperor Leo III
banned the use of icons. (*ICON = religious images) Roman Catholic Church wanted the use of “visuals” to help explain the Bible *Result = 1054, Split of Christian Church & the development of Eastern Orthodox Christianity

14 *SCHISM* (Permanent division of the Christian Church)
Roman Catholic (WEST) Eastern Orthodox (EAST) Pope Benedict XVI Patriarch Bartholomew

15 *SCHISM = permanent division of the Christian Church
Roman Catholic/Western Europe Service in Latin until 1965 Pope higher than kings Pope, Cardinals, Bishop, Priests Priests married to the church & cannot marry Divorce not permitted *Government broke apart into local political units Eastern Orthodox Service in Greek Patriarch and bishops rule together Emperor is higher than patriarch Priests may marry Divorce is permitted *Preserved Greek & Roman learning and passed it on to western and eastern Europe. *Maintained a centralized government

16 Roman Empire vs. Byzantine Empire
*The Byzantine Empire did not experience the conflicts between the church and state that were common in medieval Europe because the Byzantine Emperor played a direct role in the administrator of the church. *“Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years, ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task”

17 *Contributions of the Byzantine Empire*
1. Kept the Greek and Roman culture , traditions, and learning alive. 2. Codified Roman laws; influenced laws & political systems 3. Hagia Sophia-advanced architectural design 4. Spread Christianity & preserved it during Europe’s dark ages 5. Center of Trade

18 Quick Review In 730, the Byzantine Emperor Leo III, banned the use of icons….what is an icon? List the accomplishments of Justinian. In the Byzantine Empire, one important feature was the development of what religion? Why did the Byzantine Empire preserve Greek and Roman learning?

19 Why is the Justianian Code considered a milestone?
Why did Constantinople become the center of the Byzantine Empire? How did the government in Western Europe and Byzantine Empire differ? Why did the Byzantine Empire not experience the conflicts in the church like Europe did?

20 “Western Europe owned a debt a gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task” Which empire is this quote referring to? What building is this?

21 BYZANTINE EMPIRE Eastern Roman Empire Chapter 11, Section 2

22 *Byzantine Influences in Russia
As the East & West grew apart, missionaries competed for Christian converts. *Eastern Orthodox missionaries converted Russian Slavs (barbarians) by: 1. Created a Cyrillic alphabet, allowing Slavs to read the bible. 2. Opened up highways to Slavic land

23 *RUSSIA DEVELOPS 800’s, the Vikings conquered the Slavs (barbarians) & the cultures began to mix as the Vikings settled down. *880, Kievan Russia based its wealth on trade with the Byzantine Empire Grew into a small state with its wealth based on trade from Constantinople. *Many early Russian settlements were located on the trade routes between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea.

24 *Russia converts to Christianity*
*989, Vladimir I the Great, a former pagan, forced all of Kievan to convert to E Orthodox Christianity. As trade continued, Russian culture grew & absorbed many Greek, Byzantine & Slavic traditions.

*Moscow Russia *Kiev Russia * Constantinople

26 Collapse of the Byzantine Empire, 1400
Invasions from East and West Bubonic Plague Schism between Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christianity Rise of Islam

27 Quick Review Who helped Russian civilization adopt aspects of the Byzantine Empire, Cyrillic alphabet and different styles of art and architecture? What was Kievan, Russia wealth based on? What religion did Russia adopts from the Byzantine Empire? Along what bodies of water were most Russian settlements located?

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