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Estimation of number of Architects

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Presentation on theme: "Estimation of number of Architects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimation of number of Architects

2 Purpose of exercise - estimation as uniform as possible
- no distortion of the facts of the profession - estimation to be included in the cultural occupation employment total

3 Difficulties - most refined code : ISCO 2141 (architects + town and traffic planners) - ISCO4 is unavailable in several countries - regulations and job content vary across countries (Italy, Germany)

4 Previous estimate [ 20 % - 50 % ] of a cross
of NACE 74 (Other business activities) with ISCO 214 (Architects, engineers and related professionals). But ... - the chosen bracket is arbitrary and too broad - does not correspond to reality for several countries

5 The approach by profession
- the profession is on the whole well regulated and organised - many countries have an Order of Architects … - … who owns statistics about the profession

6 Estimate for other countries
- For responding countries : r = Architects / (Cross Nace74/Isco214) r = 27 % (without Italy & Germany) - For non responding countries : Architects = 27 % x (Cross Nace74/Isco214)


8 Results for Task Force members countries

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