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Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma(AdCC)

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Presentation on theme: "Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma(AdCC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma(AdCC)

2 one of the more common salivary gland malignancies (MEC / PLGA / AdCC)
A high grade malignancy Because of its distinctive histopathologic features, it was originally called a cylindroma


4 Histopathologic Features
composed of a mixture of myoepithelial cells and ductal cells that can have a varied arrangement Three major patterns: Cribriform Tubular solid Usually a combination of these is seen

5 The cribriform pattern is the most classice
characterized by islands of basaloid epithelial cells that contain multiple cylindric, cystlike spaces resembling Swiss cheese homogeneous acidophilic material cystlike spaces often contain a mildly basophilic mucoid material, a hyalinized eosinophilic product, or a combined mucoid hyalinized appearance.

6 Cribriform (Swiss cheese)
small and cuboidal, cells deeply basophilic nuclei little cytoplasm fairly uniform Rare mitotic activity

7 Normal salivary glands Adjacent with tumor

8 Cribriform pattern

9 tubular pattern occur as multiple small ducts or tubules within a hyalinized stroma The tubular lumina can be lined by one to several layers of cells (ductal cells and myoepithelial cells)

10 tubular pattern

11 hyalinized "stroma

12 solid variant consists of larger islands or sheets of tumor cells little tendency toward duct or cyst formation

13 Solid Cribriform small and cuboidal, cells deeply basophilic nuclei little cytoplasm fairly uniform cellular pleomorphism and mitotic activity

14 as well as focal necrosis in the center of the tumor islands, may be observed

15 A highly characteristic but no pathognomonic perineural invasion
a swirling arrangement around nerve bundles which probably corresponds to the common clinical finding of pain in these patients This marked tendency to proliferate around and along nerves for great distances accounts for the tumor's marked tendency to recur.

16 Tumors with a solid histopathologic pattern are associated with a worse outlook
the prognosis is poorest for tumors arising in the maxillary sinus and submandibular gland. The end

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