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32nd German Brazilian Economic Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "32nd German Brazilian Economic Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 32nd German Brazilian Economic Meeting
Hamburg, 1st September, 2014

2 Senior Vice President and General Manager for AGCO South America
André Carioba Senior Vice President and General Manager for AGCO South America

3 Agenda 1 AGCO Overview 2 Brazilian Agribusiness Overview 3
Brazilian Tractors and Combines Market

4 Global Presence 23 Manufacturing sites 7 assembly sites
employees 3.150 dealers + de 140 countries

5 AGCO South America: Strong Distribution
Argentina Bolívia Colômbia Equador Peru Uruguai Costa Rica República Dominicana Honduras Venezuela Chile Panamá Strong Distribution 550 Authorized Dealers in South America Brazil Paraguay

6 AGCO South America: Production
Canoas - RS Tractors, Sprayers and backhoes Production Capability : 2,400/month Area: 200,000 m2 Employees: 1,705 Mogi das Cruzes – SP Tractors and Engines Production Capability: 1,320/month Area: 140,000 m2 Employees: 1.020 Santa Rosa – RS Combines Production Capability : 200/month Area: 260,000 m2 Employees: 767 Ibiruba – RS Implements Production Capability: 330/month Area: 200,000 m2 Employees: 373 Marau - RS GSI Storage and equipment for the production of proteins Area : 126,000 m2 Employees: 452 Ribeirao Preto - SP Santal – Production of combines, planters and equipment for sugar cane Area: 58,000 m2 Employees: 352 Jundiai - SP AGCO Parts Distribution Center Total Area: 14,653 m2 Area: 18,000 m2 Employees: 96 General Rodriguez - Argentina Production of and AGCO Power engines The unit is capable of producing 3,5 thousand tractors and 2 thousand engines annually. Employees: 171

7 Agenda 1 AGCO Overview 2 Brazilian Agribusiness Overview 3
Brazilian Tractors and Combines Market

8 Agribusiness - Brazil’s Available Area
Total Area 100%: Mi. Hect. Urban area, Native Forest and Protected 56%: Mi. Hect. Total Agricultural Area 44%: Mi. Hect. Duplicate Use 6%: 22.8Mi. Hect. Available 34%: Mi. Hect. Pasture 43%: Mi. Hect. Agriculture15%: 55.9 Mi. Hect. Sugarcane 2%: 8.9 Mi. Hect. Planted Forest 2%: 7.1 Mi. Hect. Source: Carlos Cogo Consultant

9 Record grain production
In Tons Fonte: Conab ( jun/14) – *Projection Carlos Cogo

10 Brazil: Agribusiness 2013 Results
Total GDP = US$ 2,065 trillion Agribusiness corresponded to 21,4% (US$ 442,8 bi) of Brazil GDP in 2013 Agriculture (70%) US$ 308,2 billion Livestock (30%) US$ 134,6 billion Exports US$ 242,2 billion Jobs (Total Brazil) 95,2 million Other Sectors US$ 142,2 billion Agribusiness US$ 100,0 billion Other sectors 63,8 million Agribusiness 31,4 million

11 Brazil: Main Agribusiness Exports Destinations 2013

12 Agenda 1 AGCO Overview 2 Brazilian Agribusiness Overview 3
Brazilian Tractors and Combines Market

13 Brazil has a small fleet of tractors and combines per area.
Brazil has a small fleet compared to US and EU, even with the growth in production and area . Tractors: Hectares / Machinery Combines: Hectares / Machinery Fontes: Fao/Ibge/Carlos Cogo Consulting * OBS: computed only machines in working condition (scrapped excluded)

14 Brazil Tractor Market Evolution
The market average 13% growth * -10/15% over 2013 13% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (estimate ANFAVEA*)2014 (estimate ANFAVEA*)2014 (estimate ANFAVEA*) YTD 2014 (July 2014)YTD 2014 (July 2014)YTD 2014 (July 2014)

15 Brazil Combine Market Evolution
The market average 19% growth * -10/15% over 2013 19% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (estimate ANFAVEA*)2014 (estimate ANFAVEA*)2014 (estimate ANFAVEA*) YTD 2014 (July 2014)YTD 2014 (July 2014)YTD 2014 (July 2014)

16 AGCO’s Brazil main export markets: Tractors + Combines
AGCO export markets 2013 Argentina Argeria Bolivia Paraguay Chile Other 62 countries Venezuela

17 Thank you!

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