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Shared Services CMS – RFS Horizontal Manila & Dubuque GDF Q&As

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1 Shared Services CMS – RFS Horizontal Manila & Dubuque GDF Q&As
May 24, 2011 Shared Services CMS – RFS Horizontal Manila & Dubuque GDF Q&As Beth A. Lynn IBM Confidential

2 RFS Manila & Dubuque – Q & A’s
Shared Services CMS RFS Manila & Dubuque – Q & A’s How was this account selected for transition to Manila or Dubuque vs. Brazil? RFS support has been designated for either our Manila or Dubuque GD centers. Work previously performed work in Brazil for RFS which has been transitioned to Manila. These sites are part of the the Global Delivery model and accounts were selected based upon scope / vetting with the DPEs / PEs. If the account is restricted and / or requiring Customer approval prior to any GR activity, how was this avoided? Depending on the type of contract restriction different actions were taken such as, clarifying the contract terminology, obtaining a Client approval if necessary, providing further understanding to the Client & account team on the terminology of services. During 2010, the CIGNA account was identified as a restricted account requiring Client approval, however, due to the fact that an IBM workflow tool was utilized, the Manila resource will not have access to either a Customer owned tool or tool which the Customer has pre-approval of and the fact that RFS is considered back-office internal support. When am I expected to transition the work & how? You will be expected to begin initial knowledge transfer with the Manila or the Dubuque team member assigned to your account beginning on the designated transition date. You will use your current desk procedures & the KT Checklist template. What are the working hours with the Manila team given the 12 hrs. time difference? The Manila team will be working U.S. daylight hours. Coverage provided 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST. What type of training have the Manila & Dubuque team members received? Our Manila team has been provided a Shared Services Overview training with curriculum around PgMS, POST, Business Controls, Horizontals, and the SME program. In addition, an RFS SME conducted a two week training class specific to RFS process & procedures. Account specific process procedures will be covered by the U.S. RFS Focal for each account due to the unique contracts and procedures in each account. The Dubuque team received the same training with additional focus on RFS Standard support. Am I expected to authorize the Manila or Dubuque team members access to team rooms, tools, etc.? Yes How will the Manila & Dubuque team members know when there is incoming work & how will I be notified that it is ready for review and approval by myself, the PE, and the Customer? Manila: If the account does not have PgMP or RFSOL, then the RFS Manila Support workflow tool (Lotus Notes database) which is an IBM Document Library should be utilized. This tool is designed to automatically notify the recipient when there is a document which requires their interaction. 3-Step Process: The RFS Focal creates a new document as a “Work Request” in the tool, selects their account from the pick list, attaches the TSD, Cost Case, along with any specific comments, etc., & assigns it to their designated Manila focal – this is the incoming work queue. The Manila team member is automatically notified with a link to the specific line item in the tool, that there is work awaiting their attention & retrieves the documentation & performs the SOW development based upon the template & associated documents & moves it into the “Work Request Completed” category under the account name & reassigns it to the U.S. Focal. U.S. Focal is notified via of action required with a link to the specific document. Upon review & acceptance of the completed document, the U.S. Focal moves the RFS into the “U.S. Accepted” category for their account. Dubuque: As in Manila, you should provide access to the account RFS tool. If no RFS workflow tool is in use, then provide access to POST or an account team room in which the work may be intercepted and returned. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer.

3 RFS Manila & Dubuque – Q & A’s cont’d
Shared Services CMS RFS Manila & Dubuque – Q & A’s cont’d How will I know who my assigned RFS Manila or Dubuque contact will be? Account assignments & backups will be named at the beginning of knowledge transfer. PSSMs, AIMs, & U.S. RFS Focals will be notified. What if there is re-work required? Manila: Should an RFS require additional rework at the request of the Customer or account team, the RFS is re-entered into the tool by moving it from “U.S. Accepted” back into the “Work Request” category in the RFS Manila Support database or appropriate RFS workflow tool in-use. Dubuque: Contact your RFS team member via Sametime, , or telephone to advise them of the re-work requirements or via the appropriate RFS workflow tool in-use.. How will the knowledge transfer be conducted? The RFS Focal will communicate with the Manila or Dubuque team member in the same methods we do today, via a bridge number, Sametime, , telephone or even by a Lotus Live meeting. Special bridge numbers have been setup by the Manila team to handle any unique situations. The U.S. RFS Focal will be required to establish regular & daily, ongoing KT sessions and cover the material included in the KT Checklist against the scope of work transitioning. Note: The RFS Horizontal Manager for the Sector, the PSSMs, and the AIM should all be optional attendees to these meetings. What does the Knowledge Transfer Checklist include? The KT Checklist contains basic elements required to be discussed and cross-training conducted on relevant to the scope of work being transitioned. i.e., a checklist is included for the administration & coordination, standard RFS, and complex RFS scope. You will be expected to expound upon the KT Checklist with data that is pertinent to your specific account(s) and scope. Status of the transition is tracked in daily management calls as well as the future schedule of calls by account. Once the KT has been completed you are required to approve of the knowledge transfer as well as your Manila team member, and first-line management. Completed KT Checklists should be sent to your first-line management for review and approval, who will in-turn provide them as part of the project scope to Beth Lynn. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer. How will communications and escalations be handled? It is recommended that escalations take the normal path, if the situation can not be resolved between the U.S. RFS Focal & the Manila or Dubuque team member then the next level of management in Shared Services and the GDF management team be contacted either by phone or via . What transition is anticipated for the remainder of the year? It should be anticipated that we will continue to closely monitor volumes within accounts & transition additional new Demand requests in the upcoming months. It is critical that we make every effort to further alleviate costs within the accounts & streamline work efforts with allowances for more complex RFS work requiring special pricing and quality assurance to have priority in the U.S. How will the Manila and Dubuque resources be charging time to my accounts? Both the Manila and Dubuque team members will record their hours in ILC and charge the accounts only for the actual hours worked. What may I anticipate for turnaround? 24 business hours is our SLO. GDF site management will monitor incoming and outgoing requests to ensure timeliness.

4 RFS Manila & Dubuque – Q & A’s cont’d
Shared Services CMS RFS Manila & Dubuque – Q & A’s cont’d If I have a rush project for the Customer, how do I communicate the necessity to prioritize this project above all others? There are two recommended methods of notifying the Manila team member of a rush project: 1) Annotate the requirement within the “Work Request” submission if that is the tool in use; and/or and 2) advise them via Sametime that there is a priority project that needs immediate attention. You should assist in prioritizing projects should there be multiple rush projects for the account. What do I tell my Customer? The support from our Manila and Dubuque teams will be transparent to the Customer. The Customer should not have any day-to-day interaction with the GDF team members as work is funneled through the either the RFS tool or the U.S. RFS Focal. The U.S. RFS Focal continues to maintain the 1:1 relationship with the Customer & oversees the work requests & completed projects. What is there is no incoming work? This is a distinct possibility providing the Customer’s environment, contract, & spending. The GDF team members will only be charging time against actual work performed. As we progress, we would anticipate each account to continue driving more & more type of RFS requests to a standard format, providing the Customer’s requirements, contract requirements, & Customer approval. A pot file is a Design Template file, which provides you the “look” of the presentation You apply a pot file by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) or BluePearl Deluxe.pot (white background) and click on Apply. You can switch between black and white background by navigating to that pot file and click on Apply. Another easier way to switch background is by changing color scheme. Opening the Task Pane, select Slide Design – Color Schemes and click on one of the two schemes. All your existing content (including Business Unit or Product Names) will be switched without any modification to color or wording. Start with Blank Presentation, then switch to the desired Design Template Start a new presentation as Blank Presentation You can switch to Blue Onyx Deluxe.pot by opening the Task Pane with View > Task Pane and select Slide Design – Design Templates. Click on the word Browse… at bottom of Task Pane and navigate to where you stored BlueOnyx Deluxe.pot (black background) and click on Apply. Your existing content will take on Blue Onyx’s black background, and previous black text will turn to white. You should add your Business Unit or Product Name by modifying it on the Slide Master You switch to the Slide Master view by View > Master > Slide Master. Click on the Title Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on the Bullet List Page thumbnail icon on the left, and click on the Business Unit or Product Name field to modify it. Click on Close Master View button on the floating Master View Toolbar You can turn on the optional date and footer fields by View > Header and Footer Suggested footer on all pages including Title Page: Presentation Title | Confidential Date and time field can be fixed, or Update automatically. It appears to the right of the footer. Slide number field can be turned on as well. It appears to the left of the footer.

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