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Napoleon Bonaparte.

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1 Napoleon Bonaparte



4 Estates General Called – 3rd Estate separates
Quick Review 3 Estates Estates General Called – 3rd Estate separates Storm Bastille/Revolution Jacobins/Robespierre/ Reign of Terror The Directory 5 directors in charge Ask Napoleon for help

5 Banking/education reforms Pope relations Napoleonic Code
Napoleon in Power Stability Banking/education reforms Pope relations Napoleonic Code Streamline legal system Still foundation 1804: Emperor for life

6 Partner Discussion Based on the decisions made by Napoleon on the last slide, how do you think the people of France felt about his rule? Why?

7 I) Napoleonic Wars (1803-1805) France vs. All Sell land
Battle of Trafalgar Oct 1805 Entire fleet gone Battle of Austerlitz Dec 1805 Defeat Austria and Russia

8 II) Napoleonic Wars (1806-1809)
A) Continental System (1806) Economic war vs Britain Blockades Ports B) Treaties of Tilsit (1807) Defeat Russians Russia signs treaty C) Battle of Wagram (1809) Defeat Austrians Expand Land D) Reestablish aristocracy Nobility titles: friends/family Empire expansion continues

9 Partner Discussion What are the potential problems related to the previous slides’ four events? A) Continental System: Economic war w/ Britain B) Treaties of Tilsit – defeat Russians C) Battle of Wagram – expand land over Austria D) Reestablish aristocracy- family/friends get nobility

10 III) Napoleonic Wars (1810-1815)
A) Russia 1. Leaves Continental System 2. Napoleon attacks B) Russia retreats, French follow C) Moscow: evacuated, burned D) French Retreat 1. Winter 2. Only 1/6 survive E) Battle of Nations (1813) vs Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden F) Treaty of Fontainebleau 1. Napoleon abdicates throne 2. Exiled to Elba (Italy)

11 France, 1789 National Convention, 1792 France 1804 Empire Conquered by Napoleon Allies of France Enemies of France Napoleon’s Empires

12 What were the big problems with France’s invasion of Russia?
Partner Discussion What were the big problems with France’s invasion of Russia?

13 V) Post Exile A) Napoleon Escapes to France
1. Welcomed by 1,000+ supporters 2. King Louis XVIII Flees B) 100 Days Campaign C) Allied Coalition: Austria, Britain, Prussia, Russia D) Battle of Waterloo (6/18/1815) 1. British crush French 2. Napoleon abdicates again

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