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Effects of the French Revolution and Napoleon

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1 Effects of the French Revolution and Napoleon

2 Haitian Revolution Nationalism Latin American Revolutions Louisiana Purchase Views on basis of authority (absolute out, democratic in) New European Order (Congress of Vienna)

3 Congress of Vienna (New European Order)
Five “Great Powers”- Russia, Prussia, Austria, Great Britain, France Prince Klemens von Metternich, Austrian foreign minister Three goals of Metternich

4 Three Goals of Metternich
Containment of France (to contain French aggression) Restore a Balance of Power Uphold Legitimacy of monarchy

5 Containment of France Kingdom of the Netherlands- created out of the Dutch Republic and the former Austrian Netherlands German Confederation- 39 German states loosely joined Switzerland- recognized as independent Kingdom of Sardinia- gained Genoa

6 Containment of France

7 Balance of Power

8 Legitimacy


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