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Status of E03 and E07 Kiyoshi Tanida Seoul National University

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1 Status of E03 and E07 Kiyoshi Tanida Seoul National University
Sep. 23, 2011 Kiyoshi Tanida (Seoul National University)

2 S=-2 systems in J-PARC E03: Measurement of X rays from X- atom Spokesperson – K. Tanida (Seoul) E05: Spectroscopic study of X-hypernucleus, 12XBe, via the 12C(K-,K+) reaction (Day 1 – 1st priority) Spokesperson – T. Nagae (Kyoto) E07: Systematic study of double strangeness system with an emulsion-counter hybrid method Spokespersons – K. Imai (JAEA) K. Nakazawa (Gifu) H. Tamura (Tohoku) E03 E05 E07

3 E03 experiment World first measurement of X rays from X-atom
Gives direct information on the XA optical potential Produce X- by the Fe(K-,K+) reaction, make it stop in the target, and measure X rays. Aiming at establishing the experimental method K- K+ X- X ray Fe target X- (dss) Fe X ray

4 X atom level scheme X ray energy shift – real part
l=n-1 (circular state) X l=n-2 l=n-3 ... Energy (arbitrary scale) ... Z nuclear absorption ... X ... Z l (orbital angular momentum) X ray energy shift – real part Width, yield – imaginary part Successfully used for p-, K-,`p, and S-

5 Experimental setup K- K+ 1.8 GeV/c 1.4x106/spill (4s)
Long used at KEK-PS K2 beamline (E373, E522, ...) Minor modification is necessary to accommodate high rate. Large acceptance (~0.2 sr)

6 X-ray detector Hyperball-J Detection efficiency High-rate capability
30 Ge detectors PWO anti-Compton Detection efficiency 16% at 284 keV High-rate capability < 50% deadtime Calibration In-beam, frequent Accuracy ~ 0.05 keV Resolution ~2 keV (FWHM)

7 X-ray energy calibration
Goal: 50 eV accuracy Difficulties: Huge background single rate: <1 kHz (off-beam)  ~50 kHz (in-beam) Rate dependent peak position shift (~1 keV) and peak broadening

8 peak position shift (using 20kHz electron beam)
beam off peak position shift ~2ch = ~500eV beam on

9 X-ray energy calibration
Goal: 50 eV accuracy Difficulties: Huge background single rate: <1 kHz (off-beam)  ~50 kHz (in-beam) Rate dependent peak position shift (~1 keV) and peak broadening Source position dependence of g-ray energy (~100 eV) Solution: Simultaneous calibration using triggerable source. Ge Ge source

10 Calibration procedure
Put source on the side of Ge Calibrate position dependence Make sure g-ray energies of (other) standard sources at the target position are reproduced Especially for in-beam Take source data continuously Peak shape and position may change with time Peak drift, radiation damage. Need enough events every a few hours. E03: LSO scintillator contains 176Lu: 202 keV & 307 keV Ge target source

11 Other active sources LSO: only 2 major g-rays – 200~300 keV
Wider range? CsI with radioactive isotopes, such as 133Ba, 134Cs... produced by Kyungpook National University, Korea 133Ba (0.12 mCi) embedded in CsI

12 CsI spectra γ-ray Energy by Ge CsI Efficiency (%) 81 45 276 74 303 75
356 73 383 58

13 E07 LL Hypernuclei Hybrid emulsion method Goal:
10000 stopped X- on emulsion 100 or more double-L HN events 10 nuclides Chart of double-L hypernuclei

14 Production of LL hypernuclei
~10% of LL are trapped in nuclei Xp  LL

15 Example event in emulsion
Track length, thickness PID/energy Presume what are produced at each vertex Then check consistency Unique assignment is sometimes possible Calculate binding energy DBLL = BLL - 2BL gives net LL interaction

16 Systematics of LL binding energy
DBLL may be different for each nucleus For example by hyperon mixing effect 5LLHe 6LLHe p n L p n L p n X p n X Suppressed Enhanced

17 DSSD K+ K- Ξ- ΛΛ Track down X- accurately in a narrow region

18 Old and new DSSD Old DSSD: Made ~7 years ago
Mistake in fabrication? Only one works now Readout by VA chip. Slow. New DSSD: Under development in Korea Sensor designed by Kyungpook Univ. Fabricated at SENS company Fast readout using APV25 chip with zero suppression Details by Joo Changwoo.

19 Emulsion Got new grant – “Kiban S”, 5 years, ~2-oku yen
Emulsion can be purchased! Make a new emulsion handling facility at Gifu University Image development Microscopes for analysis

20 General scanning If vertexes are found
 See again with x100 object lens  Human eyes Original photo vertex search tracking Binarize Huff trans.

21 General scanning II Scan all images in emulsion
not only events selected for (K-,K+)  ~100 times more statistics Faster camera: 100 Hz  1 kHz lens must move fast, too. Observe larger volume at a time Object lens: x50  x20 >100 times faster in total. (< 1s for 0.25 mm x 0.25 mm  < 1 month for one emulsion mod.)

22 Run plan (hopeful) Beam time will be available in 2013-2014.
Run both E07 and E03 in this period Expected primary beam intensity will be 50 kW or ~20% of nominal intensity Enough for E07  we will perform E07 first. E03: may be accumulate only ~10% of statistics E03 with smaller statistics It’s possible to observe X ray, at least for 76 transition (though no physics information in this transition) 65 transition can be observed if G < 3 keV Statistical error for DE will be larger by ~3 i.e., ~0.2 keV Significant result will be obtained if G~DE~1 keV

23 Summary E03 and E07: experiments to challenge S=-2 world
Using common spectrometer system (KURAMA) E03: X atomic X-ray energy calibration is a key LSO system is already developed Developing other active sources for future experiments E07: Search for double-L hypernuclei with emulsion Got a large grant to purchase emulsion Developing new DSSD in Korea Emulsion general scanning is under development to further increase statistics. Hopefully to run in

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