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BOA is a School NOT a College

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2 BOA is a School NOT a College
14-19 Specialising in Creative, Digital & Performing Arts 100% Selective based on Aptitude Creative Arts: Technical Theatre Arts, Visual Art & Design Digital Arts: Broadcast, Creative Media Production, Games Design & New Media Performing Arts: Acting, Dance, Music, Music Technology, Musical Theatre BOA is a School NOT a College

3 Vision and Ethos BOA is committed to providing high quality distinctive education through a specialist curriculum delivered in outstanding facilities Through a guided personalised learning experience, BOA aims to develop the specific talents, gifts and potential of each student

4 Academic Results GCSE 2015 National (2015) 2016 National (2016) 2017
English 82% 65% 88% 60% 94% 70% Maths 63% 61% 85% 71% Science 79% 59% 80% 53% 83% 48% Post 16 826 (AAA) 856 (A*AA) 870 (A*A*A)

5 Highest attaining 14-19 school in the country
In the top 10% of Birmingham schools

6 Partners and Sponsors Partnerships are continually developing
with individuals and organisations with expertise and a track record for innovation from across all areas of creative, digital and performing arts.

7 Curriculum Post 16 1 hour Friday
14 – 16 hours on Pathway PLUS 2 additional academic A-Levels: 5 hours for each subject PLUS Tutor time: Personal Development Time 45 minutes 15 minutes Tuesday – Thursday 1 hour Friday

8 Curriculum Key Stage 4 14 hours Core: 4 hours Maths
5 hours Double Science 5 hours English & English Literature 7 hours Pathway 5 hours (2 additional academic subjects) 1 hour Learning to Learn 1 hour P.E 1 hour GCSE Citizenship


10 Independent Learning A way of consolidating knowledge, understanding and skills acquired in a lesson, as well as providing the opportunity for investigation or research in preparation for new topics. Extends and reinforces learning Homework The following are legitimate forms of homework to encourage responsible, self-reliant, independent learners: Investigations Extension work Reading Practice Composition / choreography Research

11 Assessment and Reporting
Every 6 weeks First Year 10 Parents Evening: October First Year 12 Parents Evening: November Another Parents Evening in the Summer term Written Report

12 New Technologies We want students to use them
but to use them responsibly BOA offers training for both students and their Parents

13 Uniform and Kit - KS4

14 Uniform and Kit - Post 16

15 2014 Start of our expansion Tendered for a Theatre
Tendered for work in Malta 6 short film for the Maltese tourist board Skills in the workforce for the MFC

16 Why? Short of space Money Opportunities for staff and students

17 BOA successfully tendered for and acquired the Old Rep Theatre in February We are delighted to be the custodians of such an important piece of theatrical heritage. We envisage this theatre becoming a space for young people, run by young people. It will offer opportunities for our students in performing arts, production arts and theatre administration. The backstage area has been refurbished to provide more studio space and students on performing arts and production arts courses may have scheduled lessons there.

18 Our Christmas Shows 2015 2016 2018 2017

19 In 2015, we were invited by the DfE to open new schools
A Government pledge to open 500 new schools by 2020

20 BOA Productions (Musical in a box)
The BOA Group BOA International BOA BOA 3 (Technical) B2 Radio BOA Productions (Musical in a box) BOA 2 (Digital) BOAT (Old Rep) BOA TV BOA 4 – Events BOA 5 - Fashion


22 - Design and develop assessment and awards
We aim to be at the forefront of the Creative and Digital Technologies. - Design and develop assessment and awards

23 Advantages and Pitfalls
Opportunities, expansion, design and deliver the curriculum with partners, national and international platform, increased our funding revenue. Pitfall Capacity Ensure expansion does not damage BOA IP – Learning curve re: contracts Speed and pace of Governments not matching ours.


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