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KS The John of Gaunt School

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1 KS4 2017-20 The John of Gaunt School
Year 8 options KS The John of Gaunt School


3 Benefits of the 3 year KS4 Reduces ‘drift’
Opportunity to alter direction if it is really needed (rarity) Longer time to study to discover to immerse in the subject to embed the knowledge required

4 X Back to the future! GCSE’s, Technical & vocational courses are
being reformed Grading system fully established by 2019 X

5 Performance measures for students and schools
Attainment 8 (A student’s average achievement across eight subjects) Progress 8 (The progress a student has made across eight subjects) English baccalaureate “a broad core of subjects, ensuring that various avenues of opportunity are available in young persons future.”

6 2017: Pathways 1-3 Pathway selection Aspirational Supportive Flexible
KS2 results CAT tests Current tracking points Feedback from staff Aspirational v’s realistic view 2017: Pathways 1-3 Aspirational Supportive Flexible

7 Consultation and decisions
Selecting subjects Aptitude / Affinity Attitude / Aspirations Must not be about preferences of friends & family National & local picture in education & employment

8 Aptitude / Affinity / Attitude / Aspirations
All Pathway options Aptitude / Affinity / Attitude / Aspirations

9 Consultation and decisions
Mrs Brunt (Director of Post 16) Ms Marshall (SENDCO) Mrs Amy Lynch (Careers advisor) Wednesday 8 February 8:45 – 5:00 Thursday 9 February 8:45 – 5:00 Meetings upon request by making an appointment tonight

10 Option forms

11 Timelines and deadlines
Students should be booking a time to talk with their tutor over the next 2 days Complete options form including 1st & 2nd choices Friday 24thFebruary – deadline for the submission of the options form Consultation with each student over the next 2 terms Term 5-6 final decision

12 Consult the teachers

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