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Natural Gas A Maryland Perspective

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1 Natural Gas A Maryland Perspective
AGA Conference May 1, 2012 Brigid Kenney, Sr. Policy Advisor MD Department of the Environment

2 Federal / State Partnership
States are the primary regulators of onshore oil and gas activities The federal government has an important role in natural gas regulation Regulating public lands Supporting research and development Setting environmental standards to implement federal law and augment state safeguards

3 Recent Federal Actions
EPA issued updated, achievable air pollution standards for oil and natural gas EPA, DOI and DOE entered into MOU to align their research related to fracking Secretary LaHood announced fast tracking of pipeline project Executive Order establishing a new interagency working group

4 Functions of Working Group
Coordinate policy activities Coordinate the sharing of scientific, environmental, and related technical and economic information Engage in long-term planning and coordinate with respect to research, natural resources assessment, and the development of infrastructure Promote interagency communication with stakeholders

5 The Marcellus Shale Found throughout the Allegheny Plateau region of the northern Appalachian Basin In Maryland, it is found in Garrett County and part of Allegany County Recovering gas from the Marcellus became economically feasible Advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing Higher wellhead prices for gas, but prices have fallen

6 State Approaches Pennsylvania West Virginia Ohio New York Maryland

7 MDE Gas Well Permit A permit is required before the drilling of any gas well MDE has broad statutory authority to impose reasonable and appropriate permit conditions to protect public safety and the State’s natural resources Regulations establish application requirements and the criteria for constructing and operating gas wells Have not been amended since 1993 Not specific to Marcellus Shale, horizontal drilling or high volume hydraulic fracturing

8 Gov. O’Malley’s Executive Order
June 2011 Directs MDE and DNR, in consultation with an Advisory Commission, to conduct a study and issue reports on: the short-term, long-term and cumulative effects of natural gas exploration in the Marcellus Shale Best practices Appropriate changes, if any, to the laws and regulations concerning oil and gas

9 In Addition to Best Practices
Economic Impacts Cumulative Environmental Impacts Forest fragmentation Invasive species Public Health and Safety Concerns Social and Cultural Issues

10 Electricity Generation
Need for more electricity Retiring coal-fired generation stations Public concerns about nuclear power Limitations on wind and solar

11 Implications for Global Warming
Natural gas has a lower carbon per unit energy than coal or oil Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide (CO2), and has about a 12 year lifetime Releases of methane (CH4) could offset the benefits of fuel switching Need to get better CH4 emissions data and reduce leakage

12 Recent PNAS Paper At the current estimates of leakage rates
Switching from coal to natural gas to produce electricity has immediate and lasting benefits Converting cars to compressed natural gas increases radiative forcing for 80 years before there is a net benefit Converting heavy duty diesel vehicles increases radiative forcing for 300 years before there is a net benefit

13 What We Need Frank communication with E&P firms
Fracking chemicals Incident investigations/Lessons learned Better data on methane emissions Water quality criteria for conductivity, dissolved solids and salinity in freshwater Pretreatment standards for fracking flowback More science, less emotion


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