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Presentation on theme: "HEADS UP!."— Presentation transcript:


2 Treaty of Versailles

3 reparations

4 alliances

5 appeasement

6 Nanking

7 Anti-Comintern Pact

8 Axis Powers

9 Spanish Civil War

10 Anschluss

11 Sudetenland

12 Collective security

13 Imperial Preference

14 Autarky

15 Protectionism

16 Co-prosperity Sphere

17 lebensraum

18 Total war

19 War of attrition

20 blockade

21 Schlieffen Plan

22 Spirit of Locarno

23 “Stab in the back” myth

24 War guilt

25 Chamberlain

26 Woodrow Wilson

27 Polish Corridor

28 Munich Pact

29 Have-not nations

30 Czechoslovakia

31 Polish Guarantee

32 Four-year Plan

33 Albania

34 Neutrality Act of 1939

35 Nazi-Soviet Pact

36 Daladier

37 Stalin

38 Localized War

39 Danzig

40 Armistice

41 Conference of Ambassadors

42 Dawes Plan

43 Fourteen Points

44 Hitler

45 Hitler

46 Mussolini

47 Cordell Hull

48 Geneva Disarmament Conference

49 Abyssinia

50 Manchuria

51 Kellogg-Briand Pact

52 Locarno Pact

53 Mandates

54 Neutrality Act 1937

55 Pact of Steel

56 rearmament

57 London Naval Conference

58 Treaty of St. Germain

59 Ruhr Crisis

60 sanctions

61 Washington (Naval or Disarmament) Conference

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