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Bringing the Balanced Scorecard to Life

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2 Bringing the Balanced Scorecard to Life
微軟平衡計分卡架構 Measuring Success Bringing the Balanced Scorecard to Life 微軟技術顧問服務部 Laura Huang 黃淑翠 Key Message: Introduction – Welcome Slide Builds: None Slide Script: Hello, I’d like to welcome you to this quarter’s Executive Circle. My name is __(name)_____, and I’m a __(title)_______ for Microsoft. I’m excited to be able to share this time with you today. The topic today is “Measuring Success: Automating the Balanced Scorecard” Slide Transition: Box Out Additional Information for Presenter: Here is the text of the invitation to this session: Microsoft Executive Circle Technical Perspectives Forum Measuring Success: Automating the Balanced Scorecard The need for measurement – whether success or failure – is at the heart of commerce. Yet traditional metrics like earnings per share, that focus solely on financial performance, conceal valuable information and often lead to poor decisions. In response, many executives have turned to the Balanced Scorecard methodology, an approach that incorporates critical strategy-oriented metrics – like market share and quality – to provide a more accurate view of business and corporate performance. By supporting and automating these metrics, Microsoft is helping IT executives combine best practices and technology – strengthening the value and success rate of Balanced Scorecard deployments. In addition to providing an opportunity to exchange information with your peers, you will also learn how companies like AIMCO are realizing powerful business benefits, including: -Making faster, more-informed decisions -Leveraging current Business Intelligence initiatives -Focusing and motivating employees to achieve business goals

3 Agenda 平衡計分卡 Balanced Scorecard (BSC) 建構績效管理制度與平衡計分卡 執行的障礙與困難點
微軟平衡計分卡架構 Demo-Microsoft BSC Toolkit Case Study Q & A Key Message: Setting the stage. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: I want to briefly cover our agenda for today. I’ll be starting off with some opening comments on some of the key business and technology concerns we’re hearing from you, followed by a high-level overview on the concept of Business Intelligence and how that can increase the agility of companies in these increasingly complex, rapidly-changing times. After that, we examine the Balanced Scorecard approach, why companies have adopted it and how it has evolved in the last 10 years. Then, we’ll discuss some of keys to Success with the Balanced Scorecard, and we’ll identify some of the important capabilities that enable companies to overcome the major obstacles in automating the balanced scorecard in their organizations. Next, we will introduce you to the Microsoft Balanced Scorecard Framework and show you how it provides those important capabilities. After a short demonstration of the framework in action, we’ll show you how one company is leveraging some of the technologies that make up the Microsoft Balanced Scorecard Framework, and discuss next steps. At this time I want to remind people to turn off their pagers and cell phones (or at least switch them to silent mode). Restrooms are located ______ Please feel free to ask questions during the presentation. We’ll have some time at the end where we hope to have some good discussion on these topics as well. Slide Transition: Strips Right-Down Additional Information for Presenter:

4 “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”
若您無法衡量企業經營績效 您便無法有效管理企業 Robert Kaplan and David Norton Authors of “The Balanced Scorecard” Key Message: Setting the stage. Slide Builds: None Speaker: Microsoft Person Slide Script: Robert Kaplan and David Norton, the creators of the Balanced Scorecard, often remind people of a time-tested business truth: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Even when they don’t adopt all the principles and techniques of the Balanced Scorecard, most successful managers and executives have learned the power of effective performance measurement. And it today’s business environment, good management is more important than ever. Slide Transition: No transition

5 平衡計分卡的背景與發展歷程 第一代績效衡量: 僅聚焦於財務面
第二代績效衡量: 加入無形資產的衡量, 如產品研發設計, 客戶關係, 員工教育訓練, 行銷資訊, 企業知識管理等 1998 年 超過 75% 的S&P 500 市場價值是來自無形資產 發展史 1990年研究計劃 – 未來組織績效衡量方法,12家企業共同參與 由哈佛教授 Robert Kaplan與Nolan Norton Institute執行長David Norton所共同研究發展 1992年:發表 BSC 1993年:發表 BSC的實踐 1996年:發表 BSC在策略管理體系的應用 2000年:發表 企業的策略性的應用

6 平衡計分卡的發展史 1992 1996 2000 企業策略管理 整合與溝通 衡量的方法
“Having Trouble With Your Strategy? Then Map It”, Sept-Oct 2000 企業策略管理 Recognized by the Harvard Business Review as one of the “most important management practices of the past 75 years.“ “Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System”, Jan-Feb 1996 整合與溝通 Articles in Harvard Business Review: “The Balanced Scorecard – Measures that Drive Performance”, Jan-Feb 1992 “Putting the Balanced Scorecard to Work”, Sept-Oct 1993 衡量的方法 1992 1996 2000 Key Message: The Balanced Scorecard has Evolved Slide Builds: 3 main segments Slide Script: The Balanced Scorecard, (which is abbreviated BSC) is one approach that business leaders are turning to as a way to deal with these challenges. The Balanced Scorecard made a pretty big initial splash when David Norton and Robert Kaplan wrote their first article on the scorecard in 1992 in the Harvard Business Review. At that time, the focus was primarily on Measurement and reporting and the short-comings of relying too much on purely financial measures. Often times the quickest way to boost the financial ratios of a company was to slash things like training, R&D, customer service and headcount—but these are the very things that represent the future of the company. The Balanced Scorecard initially stressed looking at more non-financial measures. Many companies became early adopters, and as they began to implement the Balanced Scorecard, Norton and Kaplan began to understand that the Balanced Scorecard is not just about measures and reporting. Much of the value has to do with how it promotes alignment and communication. So the Balanced Scorecard concept had already evolved when the book, The Balanced Scorecard, came out in 1996. By 2000, with many more companies at least trying to use the concept, Norton and Kaplan even began to shift the language of their concept to be much broader. The second book, in 2000, was called “The Strategy Focused Organization” and the concept of the Balanced Scorecard began to define Enterprise Strategic management. When the second book came out, the Harvard Business Review hailed the Balanced Scorecard as “one of the most important management practices in the past 75 years.” The Gartner group estimates that more than 40% of the Global 2000 companies will be using a Balanced Scorecard by 2003, so if your company is not actively striving to use a Balanced Scorecard, there is a good chance they will soon. Slide Transition: No Transition

7 什麼是平衡計分卡BSC? 發展BSC是一連串由企業願景(Vision)展開至四個構面之主要績效衡量指標之過程
四個構面(Perspectives) 財務、顧客、內部流程、學習成長 策略主題(Strategic Theme):長期而言,應完成的事項,貫穿四個構面 策略目標(Strategic Objectives):為達成組織之策略主題所定的短期目標 關鍵流程(Critical Process):支持達成策略目標的的作業活動 主要績效指標(Key Performance Indicator, KPI):策略目標進程或關鍵流程的衡量基礎,且必須是可數量化的

8 BSC 的四個構面 財務 內部流程 顧客 學習與成長 衡量過去努力成果 驅動未來績效 股東與顧客的外界衡量 有關重大企業流程, 創新能力,
“To succeed financially, how should we appear to our share-holders?” Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives 財務 股東與顧客的外界衡量 有關重大企業流程, 創新能力, 學習及成長的內部衡量 “To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers?” “To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes must we excel at?” Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives Vision and Strategy Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives 顧客 內部流程 “To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?” Objectives Measures Targets Initiatives 學習與成長 Source: The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative

9 策略地圖 & 因果關係 Theme: Smart, Profitable Expansion Cause & Effect
50% Revenue from New Stores by Year 3 Increase Sales Efficiency Development Project Management Great New Locations Corporate Digital Nervous System Business Intelligence Use Fact-based site selection % revenue from stores opened in last 3 years Revenue from new stores Avg. # of days to break even Revenue per FTE Avg daily customers at new stores in first 6 months # repeat customers Avg purchase amount Lag between market selection and site acquisition Project duration: site acquisition to opening day % of stores opened on schedule # Eligible employees trained Financial Perspective Customer Perspective Operational Perspective Employees & Technology Perspective Cause & Effect Key Message: The Strategy Map Slide Builds: None Slide Script: This is an example of a strategy map, one of the tools in the Balanced Scorecard approach. Mapping a strategy is an important way to encapsulate perspectives, objectives and measures, and the causal relationships between them. The objectives are organized by perspectives, the key measures for objectives are shown, and the logic behind their choice is captured in the arrows denoting a cause and affect relationship. When the strategy maps are done (and there are usually multiple maps—one for each strategic theme) an organization has an excellent communication tool to show different parts of the organization how they fit into the overall strategy. Slide Transition: No Transition

10 Group Balanced Scorecard Customer Service Reports
各事業體 Strategy & BSC的連結 Group Balanced Scorecard SBU Scorecards SBU1 SBU2 SBU3 Sales Data Market Data Customer Service Reports Metrics Warehouse Personnel Records Creating linkages is the number 1 challenge in building a successful balanced scorecard. There are two key factors to consider when building the systems and processes to accomplish this. First Scorecards from various businesses need to be linked to one another as tightly as possible. Here, I should how scorecards from different Strategic Business Units should roll up to the next level of scorecard. This ensures that the goals of the businesses are aligned with the overall goals of the organization. This is not always easy as many groups feel the need to have their own set of measures tailored to their specific operations. It is fine that they have these measures, but, they should also have measures that align directly with the overall objectives of the enterprise, Second. To really make a balanced scorecard work in a way that does not require people to spend too much time obtaining the data, one must try to draw from as many existing data sources as possible. To do this, a metrics data warehouse must be constructed to handle the different types of data required to make a complete balanced scorecard. Survey & Other Ad Hoc Data Competitive Data Intranet Links

11 推行平衡計分卡所帶來之效益 有效將策略聚焦 釐清達成經營目標之方法 經由上而下之溝通,將策略轉化為行動 釐清執行策略所需之關鍵資訊
釐清部門間定位、工作職掌及連結關係 將策略轉化成各部門之工作語言 建立公司策略管理制度

12 BSC Management Process 建構績效管理制度與平衡計分卡

13 發展平衡計分卡之步驟 釐清策略 設計平衡計分卡 規劃並建構 系統環境 經營環境 財務構面策略目標 KPI所需資料來源 願景與使命
客戶構面策略目標 指定資料提供者 營運方針目標 流程構面策略目標 現有系統支援程度 業務策略 學習構面策略目標 資料更新時間 經營模式 各構面KPI 規劃系統運作功能 策略地圖 & 因果關係圖 開發系統運作環境 KPI 清單

14 事業體 Strategy & BSC的連結 公司或集團 BSC 公司或集團 Support Functions Step 4.
SBU BSC consistent with the corporate strategies Step 1. 公司或集團 BSC overall strategies 公司或集團 SBU C SBU B SBU A Dept, Team, Individuals Support Functions Step 3. Support Unit BSC support the internal customers Step 4. Dept, team, individuals BSC

15 建構平衡計分卡與績效管理制度 定期討論與回饋 計分卡擁有者 BSC管理系統 KPIs 資料收集 與衡量 績效管理 BSC
計分卡擁有者之支援幕僚 KPI, 策略, 目標設定 績效管理 教育訓練 與獎酬結合 目標值 其他人員 企業規劃流程 預算規劃與模擬預測 文化改變與結果溝通

16 好的 KPI 衡量基礎 S – Simple 簡單、不複雜、有意義 M – Measurable 可以被量化、資料是可提供的
A – Achievable 可達成的 R – Realistic 可實現、合理的 T – Timely 有時效性的、如每月或每季

17 執行的障礙與困難點

18 fail to execute strategy
有效執行策略的四項障礙 The Vision Barrier Only 5% of the work force understands the strategy The People Barrier The Management Barrier 9 of 10 companies fail to execute strategy Only 25% of managers have incentives linked to strategy 85% of executive teams spend less than one hour per month discussing strategy The Resource Barrier 60% of organizations Don’t link budgets to strategy Source: Fortune

19 成功關鍵因素 企業領導者的帶動 動員企業作改變 將策略轉換成 擬定策略是 作業條例 持續性的過程 將企業組織與策略 擬定策略成為 緊密聯繫
- Mobilization - Strategic Management 將策略轉換成 作業條例 - Strategy maps - Balanced Scorecard - Integrate operational tools 擬定策略是 持續性的過程 - Learning organization - Analytics and IS - Link budgets & strategy Key Message: The Strategy-Focused Organization Slide Builds: the five ovals dissolve in clockwise from top Speaker: Insightformation Person Slide Script: In their most recent book, Norton and Kaplan emphasize the concept of the Strategy Focused Organization. This goes beyond just the Balanced Scorecard to show how the scorecard can be a tool in creating an organization that effectively executes strategy. They cite five elements in creating a Strategy Focused Organization The first is to “Mobilize change through executive leadership.” The second is to “Make strategy a continual process” This ties in with the concept of the “Learning Organization” and includes providing appropriate analytic tools and information tools. It also addresses linking budgets and strategy. The third element is making strategy everyone’s job. This is done through strategic education and awareness and by cascading the scorecard down through the organization, so that business units, departments—or even individuals—create their own scorecard. This is a powerful tool for helping individuals can find new ways to support the strategy of the organization, and to make sure employees throughout the company not only understand the strategy but are also being measured and compensated in ways that they support that strategy. The fourth element is to “Align the organization to the strategy.” This can include re-alignment of business units or re-defining the roles of different support units to make sure that each part of the organization is lined up to best support the strategy. Finally, “Translate the strategy into operational terms.” This includes the tools of the strategy maps, the actual scorecard, and also integrating operational tools to that people doing their jobs are doing them in ways that support the strategies. Slide Transition: No transition 將企業組織與策略 緊密聯繫 - Corporate role - Business unit synergies - Support unit synergies 擬定策略成為 每個人的職責 - Strategic awareness - Personal scorecard & compensation

20 BSC 自動化方法 專屬性商業智慧BI產品 ERP-Centric 應用程式 BSC-Specific應用程式

21 BSC架構所應須具備的條件 提供發展 BSC 的指導原則 & strategy-focused metrics
彈性的展現方式(策略與矩陣管理) 多樣化的資料存取方式 (Multiple Data Source) 整合分析的能力, 例如 OLAP Reports 可執行與可運作的工具 (Actionable tools) 整合教育訓練與溝通 KM: 知識管理, BSC相關文件的管理 與其他系統的整合(例如 ERP, BI, ISO 9000, Six Sigma) 系統擴充之容易度 Key Message: Needed Capabilities Slide Builds: 4 major Bullets Appear Speaker: Insightformation Person Slide Script: Let’s take a look at some of the capabilities that are needed to maximize the value of the Balanced Scorecard approach. First, there is a need for guidance on developing balanced, leading, and strategy-focused measures. Even if people in your organization are used to setting goals and putting measurements around those goals, they most likely need guidance in how to take advantage of the best practices in Balanced Scorecard development. The Balanced Scorecard promotes a fundamentally different way of developing objectives and measures. Secondly, it is important to have the capability to manage the details about all the strategies, objectives and measures. Each measure may have different owners, targets, definitions, reasons why it was chosen, and so on. Without a systematic way to manage that information, the task of keeping track of everything can be an overwhelming burden. Third, the organization needs a way to automate the collection and summarization of all the data that feeds into the scorecard. In some cases, it makes sense to hand enter some data, but as much as possible, data should automatically be pulled from the underlying systems or from a data warehouse. The way information is displayed also has a big impact on the value companies receive from the data they collect. The display of performance metrics—using appropriately designed charts, stop-light indicators, and other data presentation techniques—can greatly influence how much people change their behavior. It is equally important to have effective ways to communicate the non-database information, such as strategy maps or documents describing initiatives. It is also important to have good analytic capabilities. The ability to do slice, dice, and drill-down analysis is important to understand what is driving the performance indicators. In order to get to actionable insights, people usually need the ability to dig down into the details. Many companies are deploying business intelligence tools, but they should be integrated with the Balanced Scorecard information. Slide Transition: No transition

22 Microsoft® BSC framework

23 微軟平衡計分卡架構 個人化的 入口網站 知識管理 最佳實例 e-Learing 微軟 平衡計分卡 架構 策略與矩陣 可執行與 管理 可運作
的工具 策略與矩陣 管理 商業智慧 Key Message: The Facets of the BSCF Slide Builds: Each facet comes in Slide Script: This graphic represents the six facets of the Microsoft Balanced Scorecard Framework that you just saw demonstrated: Best Practices, Strategy & Metric Management; Business Intelligence; Knowledge Management & E-learning; Personalized Portal; and Actionable & Operational Tools. Each of these is an important set of capabilities, supported by different tool sets, that are critical to success in developing and deploying a Balanced Scorecard. We’ll take a brief look at each facet in turn. This graphic represents the six facets of the Microsoft Balanced Scorecard Framework. The first facet is that of Best Practices in Balanced Scorecard Implementation. I’ve already mentioned this. The goal here is to move from the theory into effective practice. The second facet is that of Strategy and Metric Management. This facet includes a component application for managing strategic themes, perspectives, objectives, measures, targets and initiatives. It also includes a module for displaying scorecard information and some drill-down options to see the trends of measures or other related information. The third facet of the Framework is Integrated Business Intelligence. This takes us from the summary measures of performance down to into the underlying data, and it includes data warehousing, analytical processing, and more. The framework includes a variety of samples and suggestions for how to integrate Microsoft’s existing Business Intelligence functionality as part of your Balanced Scorecard automation. The fourth facet is that of Knowledge Management and e-learning. There are many valuable Knowledge Management and document management capabilities in Microsoft’s product line. The fifth facet of the Framework is that of a Personalized Portal. There is so much information that relates to the Balanced Scorecard that it can be overwhelming if everyone needs to search for the information that is most important to them. Fortunately, Microsoft’s products include a personalized portal that allows people to focus on the information that is most relevant for them. This, as you will see, is the interface that the users have to work with the other parts of the Framework. Finally, the sixth facet of the framework is the actionable and operational tools. This refers to the fact that one purpose of the scorecard, indeed any analytic system, is to prompt action. To facilitate action, the framework can incorporate exception reporting, alerts to situations out of acceptable tolerance, employee suggestions, and can link to transactional systems through dashboard interfaces, all with the purpose of facilitating and prompting problem-solving actions. This ensures your scorecard does not exist in isolation, but is truly embedded in your organization’s operational fabric. Slide Transition: No transition

24 個人化的入口網站

25 Scoreboard 平衡計分卡摘要

26 可執行與可運作的工具 The coolest thing about the client application component of the BI Accelerator does NOT show well in a power point demo. The coolest thing is that, as you modify the schema in the Analytics Builder Workbook, the predefined reports for any client will be modified. This means you can deliver a valuable application, including front-end, completely customized to your users’ requirements, with very little drudgery.

27 Demo- Microsoft BSC Toolkit

28 Underlying Concepts 一系列技術,工具與最佳實例的組成 讓企業使用熟悉的工具來加速BSC的建置
BSC 不是 software package, 而是可延伸的發展平台 整合現有系統與 BI 系統 彈性, 開放, 具發展空間的架構 時效性, 低成本, 可延展, 易管理 Key Message: Underlying Concepts Slide Builds: None Slide Script: The first underlying concept that we’d like to emphasize in discussing the demonstration you just saw is that the Balanced Scorecard is not a software package. As much as some software vendors would like you to think you can write them a check and buy a Balanced Scorecard package, we believe that the technology requirements for a good Balanced Scorecard implementation are too broad and too interdependent with other systems in your organization to be bundled into a single package. And it is important that the software support the Balanced Scorecard process, but not overwhelmingly influence it. We speak of “Weaving the Balanced Scorecard into the fabric of an organization,” and that can be difficult if the Balanced Scorecard is a discrete software package. If it is isolated, people can get too busy with their work to have time to look a the scorecard. A second underlying concept is that since most companies already own a lot of Microsoft’s software, and since that software already can provide many of the capabilities that are needed for efficient Balanced Scorecard automation, why not leverage them? Why invest in a separate tool for moving data around when there is already one built into SQL Server? Why re-invent the building of an analytic engine when SQL Server already contains the most popular one out there? You have already invested large sums of money in software Microsoft has spent many millions of dollars developing. These are powerful capabilities that are affordable and that people already know how to use and use every day. The Microsoft Balanced Scorecard Framework helps leverage those existing tools. There are some specific capabilities for the Balanced Scorecard or performance management in general that don’t exist in Microsoft’s existing toolset. So, you saw how these capabilities can be created using Microsoft’s development tools. Finally, this Framework is not intended to be treated as a packaged application. It is intended to guide organizations on the use of the Microsoft technology in the context of automating a Balanced Scorecard – to help both business and technology users get to success faster and more reliably. This is an open framework. We expect that over time, more and more organizations, consulting firms and software vendors will contribute to this, allowing it to become more and more valuable. Let’s briefly visit each facet of the framework in turn. Slide Transition: No transition

29 BSC Framework Technology
Education on Best Practices 適合不同Users 不同的 View Business users Light technical people BI developers Web developers 系統需求 Windows 2000 Server SQL Server 2000 SharePoint Portal Server Office XP Key Message: The framework meets different needs of different people in the org. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: Let’s take a quick look how the framework meets the needs of different types of scorecard users. For business users, templates use Microsoft Word, Visio and PowerPoint – applications with which people are familiar and which you already own. And the interface for entering metrics is intuitive, so even people without great computer literacy participate in scorecard building. For light technical people, who may need to do basic analysis, or publish documents to the web, Office Web Components offers easy-to-use analytic capabilities - and leverages further the power of Excel. In addition, the framework includes examples of web-enabled PowerPoint and Visio documents. For BI developers, the framework exploits SQL Server includes both Data Transformation Services for accessing data from source transactional systems, populating data marts, and populating the Scorecard Database. Analysis Services, recently ranked as the fastest growing and easiest OLAP engine to use, is fast, scalable, proven, supports both custom and off-the-shelf front end interfaces. For web developers, the framework includes code samples and techniques for using Office Web Components to deliver analytics to users, and it exploits the rich development platform of Visual Studio.NET. Slide Transition: No transition

30 Case Study

31 Microsoft Scorecard Portal
HTML Foundation Knowledge Base

32 Collaborative Interface
Key Metrics Strategic Initiative Discussions Drill Down Detail

33 Case Study: Organization Business challenges
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) 員工人數: 1600 每年收入: $1.3 billion Business challenges 沒有辦法衡量 Business 的 Opportunity & 預估年收入 內部網站的低使用率,知識沒有辦法傳承 Key Message: AIMCO Case Study Slide Builds: 2: organization and business challenges Speaker: Insightformation Person Slide Script: I’d like to conclude with a brief case study of a company that we worked with to show how quickly we can change business performance if we do things right. AIMCO is a real estate investment trust headquartered in Denver, Colorado, which holds a geographically diversified portfolio of apartment communities operated through 25 regional operating centers. AIMCO, through its subsidiaries, operates 1,720 properties, including 326,289 apartment units, and serves approximately one million residents. AIMCO’s properties are located in 47 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico In 2000, AIMCO estimated that the company’s property portfolio was losing tens of millions of dollars per year in potential revenue nationwide. AIMCO was gathering data on the problem, but needed to develop a way to guide employees at all levels (from executive management to individual property managers) on how to capture some of this “Revenue Opportunity”. AIMCO wanted to encourage employees to take the correct action, not to punish them for past performance. AIMCO also wanted a solution that would integrate to, and enhance use of, their existing Horizon internal web site. Slide Transition: No transition

34 每年收入up by over $15 million
Results: Revenues Rapid adoption without training 每年收入up by over $15 million Solution Microsoft Digital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.2 SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services and Analysis Services Integrated parts of existing intranet into the Digital Dashboard Rapid, widespread adoption by non-technical users Over $2,000,000 in incremental revenue in the first two months Key Message: AIMCO Case Study Slide Builds: None Speaker: Insightformation Person Microsoft’s Digital Dashboard Resource Kit (DDRK) V2.2; SQL Server 2000’s Data Transformation Services (DTS) and Analysis Services functionality; Aimco’s existing SQL Server 7 data warehouse AIMCO engaged Insightformation, inc, to develop a web-based custom analytic solution to address the Revenue Opportunity problem. Insightformation and AIMCO developed a digital dashboard using: Microsoft’s Digital Dashboard Resource Kit (DDRK) V2.2; SQL Server 2000’s Data Transformation Services (DTS) and Analysis Services functionality; Aimco’s existing SQL Server 7 data warehouse; Microsoft IIS; and a third party charting tool, ChartFx. The dashboard presents all employees a personalized view of how they can capture revenue in each of nine different categories. “Smart text” guides them on specific actions to take to improve their revenue capture within the context of each category of revenue opportunity. Trend information shows their performance over time. The information is presented in the context of Aimco’s national performance, so all employees are encouraged to “think globally, act locally” – to align their actions with corporate goals. AIMCO deployed the system on August 20, The impact on the organization was dramatic. Even without any formal training, a broad spectrum of non-technical users began using the dashboard. The lost potential revenue was cut by over a million dollars a month during the first two months of use. Because of the initial success with the Digtial Dashboard approach, AIMCO plans to expand the use of the Digital Dashboard and begin moving toward more of a Balanced Scorecard approach. Slide Transition: No transition

35 Who Is Implementing BSC?
Gartner Group predicts that more than 40% of the Global 2000 will be utilizing the BSC by 2003 If your organization is not talking about the BSC, it probably will be soon! Key Message: Balanced Scorecard is becoming very popular. Slide Builds: 2 Bullets appear Speaker: Insightformation Person Slide Script: With success stories like that, you might be wondering who else is implementing a Balanced Scorecard. The Gartner Group predicts that more than 40% of the Global 2000 companies will be using the Balanced Scorecard by Other surveys show that around half of the large companies in the U.S. are already using the Balanced Scorecard in some fashion. The bottom line is that if your organization is not currently talking about the Balanced Scorecard, it probably will be soon. Slide Transition: No transition

36 您的下一步 BI & BSC 已不再是貴族化的產品 你的老闆,CEO,CFO,CIO 在想什麼…….. 使用者的滿意度:
IT 要走在 User 的想法之前 財務 E R P O L A P 顧客 內部流程 Data Mining 學習成長

37 Balanced Scorecard Resources
To locate a partner who can help with Microsoft BSC solutions: Microsoft Certified Providers Directory Microsoft Consulting Services To learn about the SharePoint Portal QuickStart Program: SharePoint Portal QuickStart Information For information about the Balanced Scorecard: The Balanced Scorecard Collaborative: The Balanced Scorecard Institute For information on the various software packages in the Framework: SQL Server SharePoint Portal Server Microsoft Office XP Microsoft Data Analyzer Key Message: Microsoft has a tremendous resource base for helping companies deploy Windows .NET Servers. Slide Builds: None Slide Script: Here are a few places you can go to get more information, but first, don’t forget to: Fill out the evaluation Pick up some templates & handouts Meet the staff & partners We really do have a lot of resources to guide you through the process. In general, visit the site, it has information on every question you could imagine. There are consulting services within Microsoft that can work on large projects, and they work with the Microsoft Certified Partners as well. And you can look up a Microsoft Certified Partner in you area to help you get started. Slide Transition: No transition Additional Information for Presenter: You may want to leave this slide up at the end of the presentation.

38 Realizing Your Business Potential
Processes Technology Strategy

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