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Presentation on theme: "Classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification

2 Classification The arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on their similarities

3 Taxonomy The study of classification and organization of life forms
Carolus Linnaeus - today

4 Why Classify? Many different species Easier for scientists
How many species? Characteristics? Relationships between species?

5 Levels of Classification
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

6 Mnemonic Device King Philip Came Over for Grape Soda

7 Taxonomy Kingdom – wide variety Species – very specific

8 Species Specific scientific name Genus (Capitalized)
Underline or Italicize Genus (Capitalized) Specific epithet (lower case) Example Human – Homo sapiens Cat – Felis domestica

9 Naming Species Latin or Greek origins Meanings describe the organism
Example: Tyrannosaurus rex Tyranno – tyrant Saurus – lizard Rex - king

10 Why Scientific Names are Important. . .
Many common names = 1 species Example = rabbit Bunny Cottontail Hares Scientific name = Oryctolagus cuniculus

11 Cladograms & Dichotomous Keys


13 Cladistics is classification based on common ancestry.
Phylogeny is the evolutionary history for a group of species. evidence from living species, fossil record, and molecular data shown with branching tree diagrams


15 Convert the Venn Diagram into a Cladogram
Lizard Trout Human Earthworm Hair Legs Vertebrae

16 Using Observable Characteristics to Identify Objects
Dichotomous Key Using Observable Characteristics to Identify Objects


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