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Presentation on theme: "OPTICAL ILLUSIONS...."— Presentation transcript:


2 Optical Illusions Scientists must be sure that the results of their work are not "illusory". They need to accurately report what "is", rather than their general "impression" of "what is".

3 So, let’s take a look at some examples of optical illusions.

4 OPTICAL ILLUSION 1 This is the Bunny/Duck illusion. At first glance, what do you see? Now give it some time, but do not focus on one certain area, and then ask yourself; what do I really see?

5 OPTICAL ILLUSION 2 Do you see some squares or rectangles? Really, this is nothing more than a bunch of lines going in every which direction, but the way our mind interprets these lines are totally different!!

6 Optical illusions just trick you into seeing something else
Optical illusions just trick you into seeing something else. They are an error in our perception of the illusion.

7 OPTICAL ILLUSION 3 This is one of the most famous illusions of all time! Almost everyone has seen it! What do you see at your first glance of this illusion! Do you see an old lady, or do you see a young women?

8 A color image might help.

9 The center circles are both the same size.
OPTICAL ILLUSION 4 The center circles are both the same size.

10 OPTICAL ILLUSION 6 Do the sides of the square appear to be bent in? They are as straight as they come. Take a straight edge and see for yourself!

11 The background of concentric circles makes the squares appear distorted.

12 OPTICAL ILLUSION 7 This uses multiple illusory principles to give the illusion that it is moving when it is absolutely not moving.

13 The brain puts images together because it has learned to expect things; sometimes the data might get a little confused.

14 We may see an illusion because we know what we are expected to see, even though part of a picture or design may not be completely there.

15 OPTICAL ILLUSION 8 How many ways can you view this cube? Is the blue side outside the box or is it inside? Is it on the back of the box of is it on the side? Examine this cube closely, and let the light blue side guide you!

16 Look at the chart and say the color, not the word.

17 OPTICAL ILLSUION 9 At first glance, what do you see--Could it be the word "liar" or is it something more. I would definitely give this one a second look!

18 OPTICAL ILLUSION 10 When you look at this, you probably see a triangle. There is not one there! The way the circle parts are cut out, make us think there is a triangle there even though there isn’t any!

19 OPTICAL ILLSUION 11 Are the diagonals parallel? You bet they are!

20 OPTICAL ILLUSION 24 Do you see a man or beast?

21 Seeing faces is one of the most common illusions
Our brain is primed to see faces.

22 Think-Pair-Share What would be the first faces you encounter in this world? Why do you think faces are so important to our brains?

23 OPTICAL ILLUSION 18 A face in the tree




27 OPTICAL ILLUSION 20 Can you see face in the pillowcase?
People often mistake this kind of illusion as a ghost.

28 OPTICAL ILLUSION 12 This illusion is called the dancing elephant. How many feet and legs are actually there?


30 OPTICAL ILLUSION 5 Do you see and old man with ivy leaves around him, or do you see a couple kissing?

31 OPTICAL ILLUSION 13 Is this man playing a sax, or is there something more here?

32 OPTICAL ILLUSION 14 When you first read this, what does it say?
A Bird In The Bush? If you read this more carefully you will find that it says A Bird In The The Bush!!!

33 OPTICAL ILLUSION 15 Try and count the dots in the diagram below. Your eyes will make it dynamic attempting to "fill-in" the white circle intersections.

34 The image appears to shimmer.
OPTICAL ILLUSION 16 The image appears to shimmer.

35 This image also appears to shimmer.

36 OPTICAL ILLUSION 17 A face in the smoke

37 OPTICAL ILLUSION 19 True love! Awwww!


39 OPTICAL ILLUSION 23 Woof! This can be found on the backside of marble pillar in the Washington State Capitol Building.

40 OPTICAL ILLUSION 25 A Farmville favorite. Do you see a pig or a lump of clouds?

41 Illusion 26 cat or mouse?

42 OPTICAL ILLUSION 26 Why does Oregon get the fatty part! I say BOO!

43 OPTICAL ILLUSION 28 What is wrong with this picture?




47 (via @atlasofdiplock)




51 Are the squares above marked A & B the same color or different?

52 Proof: They are the same. The shadow causes an illusion of white.

53 Images used with permission from the following websites

54 So never make a decision
based on your observations














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