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Presentation on theme: "Drama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drama

2 Where did theater come from?
People probably started to act out stories long before recorded history. What we think of as theater today with masks and makeup traces back to ancient Greece.

3 Why did people create plays?
The first plays were probably about religious stories. They were put on to entertain, and also to celebrate the people’s beliefs.

4 Why read a play aloud? Plays were written for the purpose of being read aloud, it helps the readers to understand what the characters are thinking and feeling. Also, it can be a lot of fun!

5 How do we read a play? Everyone will have a chance to read. You will only read when it is your turn. Read the words that come after your character’s name, unless the word is in italics, those words are meant to be acted out. Be loud and dramatic!


7 Key Vocabulary Words in italics Props Items used on-stage
Stage Directions Words that tell the actor what to do while on stage Playwright The person who wrote the play (the author) Dialogue Conversation between characters Words in italics

8 More Vocabulary Gesture Body language Monologue
When a character speaks alone on stage Soliloquy When a character speaks to himself or herself, relating thoughts and feelings (think “freeze frame”)

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