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Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia

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1 Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia
Workbook Paperwork to be issued at Addenbrooke’s or Norwich at start of Unit Trainee name Hospital Assessment Code Assessment Assessment Methods Documented and dates Discusses management of caesarean section in a parturient with severe pre-eclampsia, using GA or RA as appropriate CBD Discusses management of caesarean section in a parturient with significant medical co-morbidity, using GA or RA as appropriate Discusses basic principles of ultrasound and its use in identifying anatomical landmarks to help establishment of central neuraxial blocks when technically difficult Discusses appropriate management and high dependency care of a critically ill parturient with sepsis Discusses anaesthesia for a parturient in whom massive haemorrhage is expected including organisation of the pre-operative check list Discusses the aetiology and management of cardiac disease during pregnancy Discusses the aetiology and management of haemostatic and thrombotic disorders in pregnancy Discusses the implications of morbid obesity in pregnancy Discusses the implications of neurological disorders in pregnancy, with particular reference to establishment of neuraxial blocks Discusses current trends in maternal morbidity and mortality Discusses safe prescribing for obstetric practice

2 Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia
Workbook Trainee name Hospital Assessment Code Assessment Assessment Methods Documented and dates Manages list of elective caesarean sections understanding the importance of utilising the time allocated to clinical sessions effectively, optimising throughput whilst not compromising patient safety ALMAT Manages busy labour ward with emergency theatre sessions Assessment Code Assessment Assessment Methods Documented and dates Performs an epidural blood patch for PDPH DOPS

3 Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia
Supporting Activities Trainee name Hospital Suggested simulation scenarios (These can be achieved by attending senior OCRM/ NLS/ MOET courses or local skill drills) Documented and dates Massive obstetric haemorrhage Management of eclampsia Newborn life support Attendance at antenatal clinics (as appropriate locally) Main contact Documented and dates Anaesthetic Multidisciplinary cardiac Raised BMI Neurology/ epilepsy Haematology Diabetes/ endocrine Vasculitis/ renal Drugs/ alcohol/ hepatology Understanding obstetric, midwifery & neonatal practice Main contact Documented and dates Shadow on-call obstetric consultant on delivery unit (1 day) Shadow on-call neonatal consultant on NICU (1 day) Shadow midwife in charge of delivery unit (1 day) Attend fetal ultrasound clinic Completion of K2 fetal monitoring teaching package

4 Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia
Supporting Activities Trainee name Hospital Suggested attendance at courses Documented and dates Obstetric Crisis Resource Management (Senior Course) East Anglian Obstetric Anaesthesia Group Meeting OAA meeting Simulator faculty training course Service development/ audit/ presentation Documented and dates Update one delivery unit guideline Complete one obstetric related audit or service evaluation Presentation at regional or national meeting Multi-disciplinary teaching Documented and dates Organises one journal club covering obstetric anaesthesia Participates as faculty in skills drills or OCRM Participates in FRCA preparation relating to obstetric anaesthesia

5 Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia
Supporting Activities Trainee name Hospital Attendance at local meetings Weekday Documented and dates CTG meeting Delivery unit/ labour ward forum Risk management meeting CNST meeting Perinatal meeting Liaison meeting Contact for CNST meeting: Contact for delivery unit guidelines: Contact for departmental journal club: Contact for obstetric skills drills: Contact for OCRM: Contact for FRCA teaching:

6 Anglia School of Anaesthesia Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia
Completion of Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia (To be completed by module lead) Unit of Training: Advanced Obstetric Anaesthesia . Trainee: ______________________________________________________________ The trainee demonstrates sufficient evidence to be considered capable of undertaking the perioperative anaesthetic care for a wide variety of complex obstetric cases and to be capable of managing obstetric lists independently Yes /No Comments: Signed:____________________________ Name (Print):________________________ Date:____________

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