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Have you ever experience feelings of jealousy, regret, or rage?

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Presentation on theme: "Have you ever experience feelings of jealousy, regret, or rage?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Have you ever experience feelings of jealousy, regret, or rage?

2 Moments when words cannot convey [communicate] one’s feelings.

3 Do you turn to music to express your feeling or dance?

4 Noh plays uses poetry, dance, music, and mask in order to convey [communicate] emotions that they cannot be described otherwise.

5 Japan’s oldest form of traditional theater

6 What are Noh plays? Noh plays are Japan’s oldest traditional theater created during the 1300’s Performed on a simple, bare stage, actors wore masks and elaborate robes Actors (men only), gestured, and chanted poetry to the music of drums and flutes

7 Why were Noh plays performed?
Noh plays were used to teach Buddhist ideas. “The central idea is that no one can attain enlightenment, or relief from suffering, until he or she has broken all emotional ties with the people or things of worldy existence.” -Asia for educators, Columbia University


9 Analyze Taniko

10 Why does the boy want to go on the pilgrimage?

11 Why do you think the boy decided to go pray for his mother rather than stay with her?

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