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Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia

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1 Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia
Typhoid fever Dr Paul T Francis, MD Community Medicine College of Medicine, Zawia

2 Typhoid fever Is an acute disease caused by S. typhi.
It is seen world wide but more common in developing countries with poor hygiene Typhoid fever is endemic in Libya

3 Agent factors Agent Reservoir of infection – Man (cases and carriers)
S. typhi is main agent S. paratyphi A and S. paratyphi B (rare) Reservoir of infection – Man (cases and carriers) Source of infection – feces

4 A very ‘famous’ typhoid carrier for many years
A very ‘famous’ typhoid carrier for many years. She was a cook and infected many hundreds of people. Finally she was put in jail

5 Host factors Age – most common in young adults
Sex – more common in males

6 Environmental factors
More common in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene

7 Epidemiological factors
Incubation period – 1-2 weeks Mode of transmission Spread by contaminated water and food Direct contact with contaminated fingers Flies

8 Prevention and control of typhoid fever
Primary prevention Good sanitation – safe disposal of excreta Safe drinking water Food hygiene – keeping food safe from flies Health education Vaccines are available to prevent typhoid Screening of food handlers for S. typhi

9 Secondary prevention Early diagnosis and treatment

10 Kathakali

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