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Cisco Commerce Workspace
Distributor Quoting Training– September 2010 For (Distributor Users/DCAM/Cisco Distributor Operations) All Theaters Use Slideshow Mode and the Page Down button to view this presentation 1
Cisco Commerce Workspace Table of Contents
Module 1 – Navigate CCW Home Page Quick Start Deals & Quotes Deals and Quotes Reports Workspace Search & Advanced Search Quick Links Module 2 – Cisco AM / Reseller Sharing with a Distributor Module 3 – Revise a quote Add a Product Item Next Gen Config Add a Service Item Import a Configuration Review the Deal Module 4 – Monitor the Approval Process Module 5 – Auto DART / DART Phase Deviations Module 6 – CBN Program Existing Confirmation Process CBN Update – New Functionality
Distributor Quoting Course Overview
When a Cisco AM / Reseller creates a quote with a single Distributor (Disti) as the sole source of fulfillment, the Cisco AM / Reseller will be able to explicitly grant edit access to an entitled group of users associated with the Disti Disti users will have deal/quote edit and submit capabilities to modify the BOM to reflect how the deal will be fulfilled, which will result in a revised DART. If another Disti or Cisco is added to the deal/quote, all Distis will lose access to view and edit the quote Updates to CBN Program – When a product bundle that contains service lines is confirmed as CBN Lines are on a quote, the system will automatically remove the service component of the product and create it as a stand alone line. 3
Cisco Commerce Workspace Course Objectives
By the end of this course you should be able to: Navigate CCW Direct a Cisco AM/Reseller to share a quote with a Disti Revise a quote Monitor the Approval Process Explain the Auto Dart/DART Phase Deviation Explain the Updates to the CBN Program
Cisco Commerce Workspace
Module 1 – Navigating CCW Home Page Quick Start Deals & Quotes Deals and Quotes Reports Workspace Search & Advanced Search Quick Links To Log In to Cisco Commerce Workspace 5.0 (CCW 5.0) Go to:
Homepage The Cisco Commerce Workspace homepage displays four main areas: Quick Start, Quick Links, Workspace Search and Deals and Quotes. IMPORTANT NOTE: The screen display will be different for early adopters (such as Brazil) vs. non early adopters. For early adopters, the Create Deal and Quick Quote links under Quick Start section will be in grayed out (inactive). For non-early adopters, all links will be active. 6
Homepage – Quick Start To go to the Deals and Quotes page, click Deals & Quotes. 7
Deals and Quotes – Results Page
From Deals & Quotes results page: Conduct a Workspace Search Manage your Deals and Quotes. (This deals and quotes results page is similar to the Deals and Quotes section on the Homepage, but displays additional options) Manage your Deals and Quotes by: Export – download an Excel report Share – Allows the AM and the reseller to share the deal with you Generate Report - generate an Admin Report Download Report – download an Excel report Edit Columns – temporarily customize your view of your deals and quotes. Mask 8
Workspace Search From the Workspace Search menu, conduct a basic search by selecting from deal categories, fields and terms. Advanced searches can be executed by using the Advanced Search link. 9
Workspace Advanced Search
You may search on all available fields. Key fields in the Advanced Search are: Deal/Quote Number Authorization Number Reseller Name CBN Eligible Reseller Country
Homepage: Deals and Quotes - Edit View
On the Homepage Deals and Quotes section, Click Edit View to set personal criteria for what you would like your standard default view to be in Cisco Commerce Workspace . You may manage what displays in the above columns by clicking on the Add or Remove You also enter content filters which will limit the data return in the portlet. 11
Homepage: Deals and Quotes
From the Deals and Quotes menu, key fields in the Display dropdown will allow you to filter the list of deals and quotes. The available options are: CBN Eligible Deals CBN Ineligible Deals CBN Confirmed Deals Deals Created By me Deals Shared With Me All Deals
Homepage: Deals and Quotes
Things to point out on slide (screen shots for these will be needed to show how the items pop out on the screen) Illustrate Hover over If promotions are not fully shown, you can click on it to show expanded view. Authorizatoin # Directly from the Deals and Quotes menu you may also view the columns not selected to be displayed by hovering your mouse over certain fields. 13
Homepage – Quick Links From Quick Links menu, you may:
View your Workspace Profile and Preferences Select a Preferred Language 14
Homepage – Workspace Profile and Preferences
When the Workplace Profile and Preferences is selected, it will default to the Profile Tab where the Disti will be able to see their: Ability to flag deals as CBN Confirmed Company name Purchasing relationship
Deal Header Deal summary information displays in the header of all quoting pages for easy reference. Compatibility Check – click to check internet browser, Windows, and Mac compatibility. SHOW ME – click to access quick training segments and pertinent information. Select and click one of the following to: Export Share Print Delete 16
Cisco Commerce Workspace
Module 2 – Cisco AM / Reseller sharing Quote With Distributor
Distributor Quoting Overview
When a Cisco AM / Reseller creates a quote with a single Distributor as the sole source of fulfillment, the Cisco AM / Reseller will be able to grant edit access to all users associated with the Distributor. Distributors with edit access / responsibility will be able to edit the quote. Note that the partner initiated deal may require qualification first before quote can be created. Distributors will be able to edit quotes and submit for approval to reduce the deal update turnaround time. If another Distributor or Cisco is added as a source of fulfillment for the quote, no Distributors will have access to view and edit the quote Disti will know the deal is shared and editable when they are able to re-open the quote and the edit fields are available. If Disti wants to edit the quote, please contact the Cisco AM / Reseller to get access. 18
Cisco AM / Reseller Sharing Quote with Distributor
To share a quote with a Distributor, the Cisco AM / Reseller must first select a single Distributor as the Buy Method for all items on the quote. After selecting a single Distributor for the entire quote, Cisco AM / Reseller to click the Share link above the quote 19
Cisco Commerce Workspace
Module 3 – Revise a Quote Add a Product Item Next Gen Config Add a Service Item Import a Configuration Review the Deal
Revise a Quote Overview
If the deal has been shared the Disti will be able to: Revise a deal by adding product lines Submit a quote for re-approval Additional editing/configuration capabilities (See Appendices): Configure it through next gen config, and attach a service Add a stand alone service item Import a configuration containing products and or services 21
Revise a Quote Now that the quote has been shared with the Disti, the Disti will: Search for the Deal ID See the deal in the Deals and Quotes results on the Home Page Click on the Deal ID to view the quote Mask
Revise a Quote Once the deal has been shared, the Disti will be able to go in and modify the quote. If the deal is in an Approved Status, to revise the quote, Click on the Re-Open button. If the Re-Open button is missing, and the deal has been Approved, the deal has not been shared. Otherwise, if the deal has an Unsubmitted status, and has been shared, then the Submit for Approval button will be in the place of Re-Open, and the Disti can you can go directly to the Quote tab to make any necessary changes. Mask
Revise a Quote The Quote Tab will display the quote created by the Cisco AM / Reseller and shared with the Disti. The Disti will have similar ability to edit the quote as the Cisco AM / Reseller. The Disti may revise the quote by selecting one of the following: Add a Product Item Add a Service Item Import Saved Configuration
Add a Product Item 25 25
Revise a Quote – Add Product Item
To Add a Product Item, click on the Add Product Item link.
Revise a Quote – Add Product Item
Enter the Product Number
Revise a Quote – Add Product Item
Enter the Product Quantity
Revise a Quote – Add Product Item
The Product has been added to the list and now needs to have a buy method selected. Select the fulfillment method from the Dropdown. Only the distributor accessing the deal will show in the dropdown
Revise a Quote – Add Product Item
Click Select Options. This will automatically open Next Gen Configuration
Next Gen Config 31 31
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Next Gen Config improves the user experience by: Seamlessly integrating configuration capability with quoting Making the process of attaching services more intuitive Item to be configured Graphic representation of the categories that are available for the item.
Review the Deal 33 33
Revise a Quote Now that you have made modifications. Go to the Review Tab to submit the quote for approval. Review the Deal Information section and select Click here to correct this to fix the errors where necessary. Mask
Revise a Quote Next, go to the Discounts and Credits section to review the pricing. No changes may be necessary on this section, but you must validate the pricing by viewing this screen. Then click Save and Continue. Mask
Revise a Quote When you are revising/editing an approved quote, that was created by the AM, you will be asked to provide a reason for why you are reopening it. This section is found at the bottom of the Review tab. On the Review Tab, Disti Users with Edit Quote responsibility would be able to Submit Quote for Approval. The System will send a notification to Disti and Reseller once the Deal is Approved.
Cisco Commerce Workspace
Module 4: Monitor the Approval Process
Monitor the Approval Process
Go to the deal and quotes page to see the status of the deal.
Monitor the Approval Process
This is an example of the deal status. If any changes have been made to the quote, you must make sure that it has been reapproved. Reseller will get an and contact dist Disti will look for DART Disti will look for net price Disti will search with deal Id to see if deal is approved or not. Once the approval is done, the reseller will contact the Disti and can convert to order. Or the disti will get a DART notification or net pricing . If you are in Greater China or APAP then Dart centralization team or the china Channel ops drop ship team will create the DART for you. 39
September 2010 Deal Statuses and Additional Information (For Informational Purpose only) Standard Deal Statuses Deal Has Not Been Submitted Deal not submitted to Cisco for review Submit Deal Qualification in Progress *Not all promotions require qualification Cisco is reviewing the Deal No Action Qualified *Not all promotions require qualification Partner has until the expiry deadline to Submit the Quote and Place the Order Submit Quote Approval in Progress Approved Partner has now finalized the configuration and is ready to place order Place Order Reopened Configuration revised by partner; resubmit for approval Re-submit Deal Ordered Orders are being placed against deal; all orders must be placed before deal expires Closed All items on the Deal have been consumed; deal is no longer active Other Statuses More Information Required Deal sent back to partner for edits/resubmission Re-submit Rejected Deal has been rejected - no longer active Expired Deal is Expired - no longer active. The deal has been locked out for editing as the Cisco AM is working with the deal Contact AM Partner Action
Cisco Commerce Workspace September 2010 Updates Guide
Module 5: Auto DART and Phased Deviations 41
Auto DART and Phased Deviations
Overview This is a new capability that is available in the workspace. The enhancement will reduce the cycle time for DART creation and improve the flexibility for managing phased deviations. In all countries except for greater China and APAC, the deviations will be automatically created for all lines on the deal when it is approved, unless specified by the AM. (Auto DART) In APAC and Greater China the DART is created manually to reflect the fulfillment strategy managed by the teams below. (Phased Deviation) APAC – DART Centralization Team China – China Drop shipment Team Cisco Internal users will have the capability to exclude lines from a deviation until they are ready to be fulfilled. This is called a Phased Deviation. Distributors in APAC and Greater China will follow the as-is process for deviation creation 42
Auto-DART and Phased Deviations
When the Deal has been Approved, deviations are managed from the Order tab
Auto-DART and Phased Deviations
The deviation requests are listed in the Distributor Authorizations Deviations. From this view you can: View the Deviations Create New Deviation/ Revise & Cancel links are disabled for Distributors
Auto-DART and Phased Deviations
Each request has it’s own: Deviation Id# Approval Authorization # To View the deviation, click the Deviation Id# 1 2
Auto-DART and Phased Deviations
The View Deviation window displays. This view is always read-only.
Impact of Auto-DART to Distributors
The DART Authorization ID would change for Non-Standard Deals and new DART type will get introduced for any cases where the Partner/ End Customer contractual discount is greater than Disti Contractual Discount. Other categories that wouldn’t get impacted are Trade-in (CTMP-xxxxxxx-xxxx), Partner Program Deals (PROD-xxxxxxx-xxxx, VERT-xxxxxxx-xxxx) Category As-IS To-be Non-Standard Deals DSAF-xxxxxxx-xxxx MDMF-xxxxxxx-xxxx Partner / End Customer Contractual Discount* NA PCON-xxxxxxx-xxxx
Cisco Commerce Workspace
Module 6: CBN Program Existing Confirmation Process CBN Update – New Functionality The Quote Tab will have lines that are not CBN confirmed, and a list that is. The ones that are stand alone services will be stripped out of the bundle that was being CBN confirmed. Disti Cannot confirm those service lines as cbn. They must be paused to get credit for selling it. DART will include all of the service lines. Click on orders tab for that deal, you will see a revised DART and if you click on the view the lines in the DART, you will see all the service lines.
Distributor Quoting Overview
Review of the existing confirmation process. Updates to CBN Program When CBN Lines are confirmed on a quote, the system will automatically remove the service component of the product and create it as a stand alone line. 49
Existing Confirmation Process
50 50
CBN Program You have completed the search for the Deal ID or Authorization Number. You have opened the deal that has been Approved. Now you will confirm CBN lines on the quote. Click on Confirm CBN link. Mask
CBN Program To confirm the Entire quote select “Confirm Entire Quote. For this example we will choose “Select Items to Confirm,” and then select the Continue button.
CBN Program Select the specific lines to confirm and then select the continue button. If you want to confirm all of the lines on this page, you can select the checkbox at the top. In this process the system will verify that the total of all items selected to be confirmed meets the threshold. In this example, the product we are confirming is a bundle product that includes services. Services are not eligible to be ordered in the CBN Program. The enhancement will automatically remove the services from the bundle and create them as stand alone service lines. Mask Update this screenshot
CBN Program By clicking confirm you have now completed the confirmation process.
CBN Program Click the View lines confirmed as CBN link to view the confirmed lines.
CBN Program In this example, there is one major line with a product bundle that included products and service lines. As showing in the View lines confirmed as CBN, only the products lines were confirmed. 1 major line – with six minor lines all products; no contracts; no services. Only product lines were confirmed as CBN
CBN Program The Quote tab shows how the lines are Split. In the case where you have a product bundle that has service components in it, it will automatically strip out those service components and create the stand alone lines. You can see on this quote that the service lines (lines 1-7) have been automatically added from the line that was selected to be CBN confirmed. The product line is shown at the bottom. In order to fulfill lines 1-7, the Disti must go to SMS3. CCW does not support conversion of stand alone service lines at this time.
Cisco Commerce Workspace Course Review
You have now learned how to: Navigate CCW Direct a Cisco AM/Reseller to share a quote with a Disti Revise a quote Monitor the Approval Process Explain the Auto Dart/DART Phase Deviation Explain the Updates to the CBN Program
Thank you for taking this training!
Conclusion Thank you for taking this training! 59
Next Gen Config 61 61
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Next Gen Config improves the user experience by: Seamlessly integrating configuration capability with quoting Making the process of attaching services more intuitive Item to be configured Graphic representation of the categories that are available for the item.
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
The product page in the Cisco Commerce workspace offers a variety of features to enhance the users’ experience. The Option Search portlet allows the user to look for options for a product. It also provides the ability to select and add an option from the search results to the configuration. Alternatively, you can also Click the Options Search link. The product page in the Cisco Commerce workspace offers a variety of new features to improve the users experience. The Option Search portlet on the top right hand side of the page, allows the user to look for options for a product . It also provides the ability to select and add an option from the search results to the configuration. Alternatively, the Options Search feature can be accessed by clicking the Options Search link as well.
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Note all indicated required options. To resolve the error, select the component and Power cable required.
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Specify the option by clicking the corresponding radio button. The cable has been added as shown on the right. Also note the success indication above. Click Done after the selection has been made.
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Click Return to configuration to continue adding product to the quote Click Add/Change Services to add services to the product just configured. Click Done to return to the Quote tab. If you would like to add services at a later time you can do so by clicking Select Service link. 66
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Click Add Services. 67
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Select the Service and Duration. Click Update. 68
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Note any indicators related to the added Services. Click Ok. 69
Revise a Quote - Integration into Next Gen Config
Note that the Service has been added. Click Done above. 70
Add a Service Item 71 71
Revise a Quote – Add Service Item
To add a Stand Alone Service Item, select Add Service Item.
Revise a Quote – Add Service Item
Select a Service Item. Enter the Service Quantity and Select the Duration. Click the Add button.
Revise a Quote – Add Service Item
The service has been added. Select the Buy Method.
Revise a Quote – Add Service Item
Buy Method applied. Click Save and Continue. Mask
Import a Configuration
76 76
Revise a Quote – Import a Saved Configuration
To revise the quote by adding a saved configuration, click Import a Saved Configuration. Mask 77
Revise a Quote – Import a Saved Configuration
Click one of the Select buttons to identify where the Configuration is saved. A subsequent window will display requesting file location, configuration set IDs, etc. depending on the type of configuration being imported. Examples 78
Revise a Quote – Import a Saved Configuration
Items from the Imported Configuration are added to the quote 79
Revise a Quote – Select Buy Method
Click the checkbox to select the Buy Method for all lines OR 1. Click the drop down next to each line item 2. Choose yourself as the Buy Method 3. Click Apply Buy Method 80
Revise a Quote – Buy Method Applied
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