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WWI and Russian Revolution Review answers

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1 WWI and Russian Revolution Review answers

2 Definitons Militarism – belief that countries should build strong army/navy Alliances – agreement between 2 countries Imperialism – A stronger country taking a weaker country Nationalism – pride in your country Allied Powers – Britain, France, America, Italy, Russia (BFAIR) Central Powers – Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Germany (A-HOG) Sussex Pledge – promise that Germany would warn ships before u-boat attacks Lusitania – ship that was sunk by Germany (120 US aboard)

3 Definitions U-boat warfare – German technology, ships could not be detected Ties to Great Britain – US wanted to help because Cultural/Economic ties Zimmerman Note – German message to Mexico (to attack the US) Archduke F. Ferdinand – Prince of Austria-Hungary (assassinated) The “spark” that caused WWI Armistice – agreement to stop fighting Treaty of Versailles – Treaty that ended the war (unfair to Germany) League of Nations – International organization to keep the peace Trench foot – bacterial infection during WWI

4 Definitions V. Lenin – founder of Russian communism (leader of Bolshevik revolution) Bolshevik – Russian political party who led the Russian Revolution Totalitarianism – Government where people have no freedom

5 Review answers Trench warfare was used for protection during WWI (western front). Horrible, dirty, and resulted in a lot of death Propoganda are advertisements getting you to believe in something A telegraph from Germany to Mexico asking them to attack the US. It made the US angrier at Germany It was a passenger ship (120 US aboard) that was blown up by German U-boat Zimmerman note was the “last straw” Germany signed an armistice, then the Treaty of Versailles. Germans were angry (had to pay for the whole war, lost a lot of land) led to WWII

6 Review Answers 8- US citizens did not want to join because they didn’t want to go to more wars 9 – More countries came to existence 10 – He thought it would lead to world peace 11 – Brest–Lovsk treaty (Russian and German agreement) 12 – First Communist party (red), led the Russian revolution, Lenin was their leader 13 – Governments allows no individual freedom 14 – They were sent to exile (eventually killed) 15 – Leader of the Bolsheviks (communists). He was well liked by the lower class

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