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Science, Salt Water, Submarines and Symbiosis

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Presentation on theme: "Science, Salt Water, Submarines and Symbiosis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science, Salt Water, Submarines and Symbiosis
Knowledge for Development Seminar, Center for International Development Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University November 6, 2003 Science, Salt Water, Submarines and Symbiosis Doing R&D with the Navy Robert A. Frosch Part II: Practice Nov 6, 2003 11/17/2018

2 Submarine Warfare in WWII
Sonar Periscope detecting Radar HF/DF and Doenitz’ mistake A close shave anyway 11/17/2018

3 The Navy’s Worries after WWII
Won the submarine war, but close! Late German submarine developments (eg snorkeling) very worrisome What will nuclear submarines mean? What will the Soviets do? Will there be true, quiet submarines? How can we deal with this? 11/17/2018

4 Underwater Sound during and after WWII
‘Afternoon effect’, the bathythermograph (BT)... Ewing and Worzel, GSA Mem. 27 Long range very low frequency underwater sound (~ 0 -3 octaves below A 440) REALLY long range: 6 lb TNT: 3000mi probably (later confirmed) >10,000 mi Wartime research by cooperation 11/17/2018

5 “In July 1943 Ewing the Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, proposing this long-range transmission as a system of communications. In January 1944 the Underwater Design Section of the Bureau of Ships approved tests …. by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the US Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory at New London, Conn,; the USS Saluda and the SC 665 were assigned for these experiments. The services of….and most of the…equipment were lent by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, and the remaining equipment was assembled at Woods Hole. The operational arrangements were made by the US Navy Underwater Sound Laboratory. The ships arrived on station ready to work on March 22, 1944.” - Ewing, M., GSA Mem. 27, p. 3 11/17/2018

6 Underwater sound (cont’d)
Convergence zones SOFAR, LOFAR, etc Ted Hunt and ‘an ocean an hour’ ambient noise wind, waves animals ships 11/17/2018

7 The Navy’s Response to its Worries
Science and ONR SOSUS (Project Jezebel) Project Julie (made passive buoys active) Hartwell Report Hudson Labs (Project Michael) (Pupin) Do the oceanographic science of low frequency underwater sound for anti-submarine warfare. 11/17/2018

8 The ONR way of Science I “Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.”
Roger Bacon, Novum Organum, 1620 We’ve got questions; you figure out what science to do, and how. Program officers as (rotating) peers Experienced, educated, Naval Officers Scientists comfortable with the Navy some were recent ex-naval officers 11/17/2018

9 The ONR way of Science II
The investigators’ ‘Club’ The relaxed ‘we’re all in this together’ style Creating an epistemic community! Mutual acculturation Mix and match (in the same room, or ship): Naval officer experience University research (SIO, WHOI, MIT…) Navy lab research (NRL, USL, NEL, DTMB) Industrial contractor research (BTL, Raytheon) FFRDCs (Draper, IDA) and Private consultants 11/17/2018

10 The ONR way of Science III
Hey, I was talking to….,who has an interesting idea, would you call him/her? Advisory oversight Hudson: The Brooks Committee Ad hoc committees for particular purposes Informal peer visits, sometimes with ONR staff NRAC NAS/NRC: The Undersea Warfare Committee (later the: Naval Studies Board) 11/17/2018

11 Hudson Labs Experiences I
Theoretical Prediction: Ray tracing to guide SOSUS for BTL, Western Electric Coherence of U/W sound in the ocean How long can an array be at low frequency? (~> 1500 mi., Eleuthera to Sable Island) Where does ambient noise come from? What’s its spectrum? Its angular distribution? 11/17/2018

12 Hudson Labs Experiences II
Will internal waves interfere with sound? What can be done in shallow water? Can you build an active version that will get echoes at 100mi? (Third convergence zone) Project Artemis (Roman goddess of the hunt) (Project Diana was taken) Can you come to DC Thu? We’re getting some guys together to talk about…… 11/17/2018

13 Hudson Labs Experiences III
USS Alleghany (ATA 179) Lt (SG) “Queeg” commanding Project Medea (1955) 5 Ships Mix and match in the Norwegian Sea USNS J. Willard Gibbs The Undersea Warfare R&D Planning Council Mix and match Search for the SSN Thresher 11/17/2018

14 Another DoD Example: ARPA
‘We can’t do it for everything, but if someone calls a program officer before noon with a great new idea, we can usually get them authorization to start spending money on the idea by the close of business the same day.’ Bernie Korenblit ARPA Procurement Officer 11/17/2018

15 And, as ASNR&D Working with the Admiralty Intra-service rivalries
Inter-service rivalries Working with DDR&E & Staff AsstSecDef for Systems Analysis & Staff Gordon Hamilton and the loss of SSN Scorpion Alvin and Palomares The weekly R&D luncheon The tale of the three mathematicians Does everyone need to know what their work can be used for? 11/17/2018

16 Finally SYMBIOSIS Hudson Labs, ARPA, ASNR&D, NASA, GM:
Success in making science work for a customer’s purposes always has the same name: SYMBIOSIS 11/17/2018

17 Symbiosis: Some Ingredients
Reasonable mutual respect: scientists and customers -> Conversation -> Mutual acculturation -> A reasonably clear agreed-upon purpose -> A working community; a ‘club’ 11/17/2018

18 Symbiosis: More Ingredients
Facilities and $$$$$$$ appropriate for task May be a lot, or not Enough, but not too much, bureaucratic support External advisory/oversight system And always: LISTEN! But be careful to think about what you hear 11/17/2018

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