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Operation Citadel and The Red Army Advance

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1 Operation Citadel and The Red Army Advance
By Madisen Rankin and Cassie King

2 Timeline June 11, 1943: British 1st Division takes the Italian island of Pantelleria, between Tunisia and Sicily, capturing 11,000 Italian troops June 17, 1943: Allies bomb Sicily and the Italian mainland, as signs increase of a forthcoming invasion June 30, 1943: American troops land on Rednova Island, New Georgia, another part of Operation Cartwheel July 5,1943: The Germans launch a massive tank offensive near Kursk on the Soviet Union. The Soviets blunt the attack within a week and begin an offensive initiative of their own. July 10,1943:US and British troops land on Sicily. By mid-August, the Allies control Sicily. July 12, 1943: A battle involving more than 1,000 tanks of the German and Soviet armies meet near Pokrovka July 13, 1943: Adolph Hitler orders an end to Operation Citadel July 23, 1943: German Army forces are pushed back to their original starting positions July 25,1943:The Fascist Grand Council deposes Benito Mussolini, enabling Italian Marshall Pietro Badoglio to form a new government. August 2, 1943:2,897 Romani are gassed when their camp at Auschwitz is liquidated August 15,1943: US and Canadian troops invade Kiska Island in the Aleutians August 23,1943: German Army Group Center is in full retreat

3 Operation Citadel: AKA The Battle of Kursk
July 5th, 1943-August 23rd, 1943 Battle between the Germans and the Red Army The battle occurred in effort to eliminate the Red Army and gain large piece of land If Hitler succeeded at this battle then he could direct more resources to the Mediterranean theater 570,000 German Soldiers were ready to fight one million Russians Largest tank battle in history, roughly 6,000 tanks contributed as well as 4,000 aircraft's Panzerkeil method used by both sides 3 main war fronts The Red Army won the Battle because Hitler called off his original operation

4 What Was The Goal and Plan?
The Germans’ goal during Citadel was to gain a large piece of land in the Eastern Front that extended 70 miles toward the west. The German Army Group Center would attack from the northern area with help from the XLVI Panzer Corps on the right flank along with the III Panzer Corps on the left. The XLVII Panzer Corps planned to drive toward Kursk and meet up with the Army Group South. Opposing the German forces were the Russians, fighting in the Red Army.

5 Works Cited: http://www. jewishvirtuallibrary

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