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Character Interactions — 5th grade

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1 Character Interactions — 5th grade
Mini lesson Week 2, day 2

2 Connection: We have read and identified characteristics of fantasy texts.

3 Teaching point: Today we will identify character interactions within a fantasy text and make inferences about the characters based on their response to challenges.

4 Teaching: Listen as I Read aloud Bad Case of Stripes.
=15&cad=rja&ved=0CHAQFjAO& sics%2Fselections%2FReading%2520Pieces%2FA%2520Bad%2520Case%2520of%252 0Stripes.doc&ei=-xJYUtjgFYzi8gSW- YB4&usg=AFQjCNEJAipVvjeH3YcSGc04C_u3AmHrjw&bvm=bv ,d.eWU Using a character interaction organizer we will identify character interactions, evidences from the text, and make an inference about the character based on our responses.

5 Characters Interacting/Event
Evidence from the Text Describing the Interaction and Response What does this tell me about the character(s)? Camilla getting dressed on the first day of school. “There were so many people to impress.” “She put on a pretty dress and looked into the mirror.” She worries about what other people think. Camilla and her mother “You get back in bed this instance.” “Camilla was relieved she didn’t want to miss the first day of school but she was afraid of what the other kids would say.” She is afraid of being embarrassed by her peers. Camilla and her classmates “They called her Camilla Crayon and Night of the Living Lollipop.” “She tried to act as if everything was normal.” She doesn’t want to stand out and tries to fit in even though it was obvious she was different. Camilla and the old woman “Camilla wanted a heaping plate full of lima beans was afraid to admit it.” “Yuck no one likes lima beans.” “Wait the truth is I really love lima beans.” “And being laughed at for eating lima beans was nothing compared to what she’d been through.” Camilla realizes that it is ok to like different things and to not change who you are because you are afraid of what others think.

6 Link: Today we identified how characters interact within the text and made inferences based on their response to a challenge. This will help us later when we determine the theme of a text. We will use the same graphic organizer with the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe to chart our thinking about the characters.

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