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Almaty Universiade 2017 By Gyuri.

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1 Almaty Universiade 2017 By Gyuri

2 Introduction On Tuesday January 1st, I went on a school trip to Medeo to watch speed skating of 28th Almaty Universiade. It made me feel a lot of emotions. I felt strange when I saw Korean players in Kazakhstan, because I never thought Korean players will visit here and compete. I felt disappointed about when Korean player got position at 6th.

3 Opening Ceremony I didn’t see the Opening ceremony directly, but I saw it at 'Youtube'. At opening ceremony, there were a lot of people from other countries and presidents of many different countries. Then, there were some women who played Kazakh national instruments, and there were some people doing parade. Woman danced whole time until the parade finished. They were wearing the international clothes. And men rode horses while doing acrobatic movements. Next, there were many kids and then soldiers appeared and sang the national anthem. After that, athletes came out and waved their hands and the torch relay started.

4 Sports of Almaty Universiade 2017
There are a lots of sport we can do or see in winter. I think that’s why people want to see the Universiade. For example, there are ice hockey, curling, short track and speed skating. Speed skating’s first position won a Russian player, and the second position won a Kazakhstan player, third position was Japan.

5 Features There are some features. First, when Ms.Issayeva gave me a ticket, I could see it was cheaper than Olympic tickets.It looked like an Olympic, but it was smaller. Also, the athletes were getting ready for the competition before the games started similar to the Olympics. For example, I saw a Korean player running around the field when I went to Medao to watch the games.

6 Conclusion In conclusion,watching Universiade 2017 in Almaty will be nice experience because it will make you feel special.

7 Works Cited ct=8&ved=0ahUKEwiA04iZ64DSAhUjDJoKHWmgCeoQFgggMAA&url=https%3A g

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