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Hannah Hall and Emma Thornton

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1 Hannah Hall and Emma Thornton
The Mobile Telephone Hannah Hall and Emma Thornton

2 Thesis The development of the mobile telephone throughout the 80’s and 90’s influenced American culture by revolutionizing fashion, television, and communication.

3 History Before the 1980’s… March 10, first invented by Alexander G. Bell First harmonic telegraph and voice transmitting device Two-way radios (police cars, taxi cars, etc) You wanted to call someone? - Go home or find the nearest telephone booth No way of mobile communication, businesses and consumers in need 1960’s - mobile phones started to be available but only in certain ranges Stay within one cell area Unable to connect calls in different regions AT&T submitted request in 1971 for cell service Was not approved until the 80’s

4 What is the Mobile Telephone?
referred to as the First Generation or 1G Introduced to the public market by Motorola Company in 1983 Called the DynaTAC 8000x, one hour of talk time Only weighed about 28 oz. Known as the brick phone 1990’s Increases ability to use the mobile web Went from analog to digital technology Size was much more practical Developed to 2G technology

5 Mobile Telephone Commercial
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6 Impact on American Culture
Fashion Once the mobile phone began to go down in price, the average American began to see the need for the technology. As the mid 90’s approached the world so did a change in the world of fashion. The mobile phone had found a permanent place in clothing. Pants manufactures began placing pockets that were reserved for storing the mobile phone.

7 Impact on American Culture
Television Just like movies, television has also jumped on the band wagon when promoting mobile phones. Yes, they are found in almost every television show like many other technologies, but the mobile phone became so popular in the early nineties that televisions shows like, Saved by the Bell actually coined the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X the “Zac Morris Phone” because he was the first one to carry a mobile phone.

8 Impact on American Culture

9 Works Cited "1990-2000." Phones. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 May 2016.
"8 Technologies to Thank the 1980's For." N.p., 18 Sept Web. 20 May 2016. "Impact | The History of the Mobile Phone." The History of the Mobile Phone. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 May "The History of Cell Phones." The History of Cell Phones. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 May 2016. "Alexander Graham Bell." A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 26 May 2016.

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