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Diversity of Life The Kingdoms.

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1 Diversity of Life The Kingdoms

2 The domains Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Domain Eukarya Thermus Aquaticus E. coli Volvox

3 Domain Archaea prokaryotic, unicellular or colonial organisms
lack peptidoglycan in cell walls may have branched carbon chains in their membrane lipids

4 Domain bacteria Prokaryotic bacteria, usually unicellular
3 shapes: cocci, bacilli, and spirochete Decomposers, photo synthesizers, or cause disease Cell walls contain peptidoglycan Contain RrNA unique from Archaea and Eukarya

5 Domain eukarya Kingdom Protista Kingdom fungi Kingdom plantae
Kingdom animalia

6 Kingdom protista Dinoflagellates Ciliates Brown Algae Red Algae
Green Algae

7 Kingdom fungi bread mold yeasts, truffles, morels Mushrooms and Rusts

8 Kingdom plantae non-vascular plants

9 Kingdom plantae non seed bearing plants

10 Kingdom plantae palm-like leaves
Have a short, unbranched trunk with large, palm-like leaves coming out of the top Have large seeds in the form of cones Grow slowly Grow in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions

11 Kingdom plantae Division ginkophyta – ginko trees

12 Kingdom plantae cone bearing plants

13 Kingdom Plantae flowering plants

14 Kingdom animalia sponges Most are marine but some live in freshwater
Multicellular, with few tissues and no organ Have pores and choanocytes to move water through the pores Sexual or asexual reproduction May contain harmful toxins to ward off predators

15 Kingdom animalia jellyfish, hydra, sea anemones, corals
Have nematocysts {stinging cells} that eject barbed threads tipped with poison Thousands of marine species some are found in rivers and fresh water lakes

16 Kingdom animalia flatworms
have a central nervous system; contains a brain and nerve cells. have no internal cavity

17 Kingdom Animalia Mollusks - snails, octopus, clams
Aquatic or terrestrial • Open circulatory system • Soft, single main section to body

18 Kingdom animalia Phylum nemotoda

19 Kingdom animalia Phylum annelida – round worms; earthworms, leeches
Three segmented body parts • Annelids have a nervous system

20 Kingdom animalia Phylum arthropoda – crustations, insects, spiders
have segmented bodies, containing of at least a head, thorax and abdomen surrounded by exoskeleton

21 Kingdom animalia Phylum Echinodermata – sea stars (starfish), brittle stars, sea urchins

22 Kingdom animalia Phylum chordata – vertebrates


24 'Phylogeny' is the evolutionary relationships among organisms

25 What taxon is most closely related to birds?
'Taxon' - group of similar and related invidividuals What taxon is most closely related to birds?


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