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Economy of the 1920’s- -Famous Inventions of the Twenties.

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1 Economy of the 1920’s- -Famous Inventions of the Twenties.

2 75% of Americans got their car cars on installment plan!
Industrial Growth 75% of Americans got their car cars on installment plan! Industrial Growth Industrial Growth skyrocketed from 1922 to 1928 about 70%! Companies went from producing military goods to consumer goods. As more goods came in prices dropped. People started to get more income, so businesses made the Installment buying- which was something to get people to buy their products. Mail-Order magazines helped people see these advertisements. GD

3 Electric Inventions used in home
Charles Strite Alva Fisher Hubert Boothu William Cullen

4 A Booming Stock Market rkey I. A Booming Stock Market.
More people invest in the Stock Market. Now people could afford to buy companies. It turned into a Bull Market- or a period of rising stock prices. Stocks were so good people began buying on margin- or borrowing money to buy stock. If Stock Market continued to rise investors would continue to pay back loans. People warned the stock market was overvalued but investors ignored the warning

5 Signs of Trouble II. Farmers
More than ⅕ of Americans made their living on owning land. Also most americans were living in poverty. American farmers grew so much crop the citizens didn’t eat it all. Dept was another sign of poverty. Before war farmers took out loans to buy land. After the war sales went down and farmers could not pay their debts.

6 Signs of Trouble III. Workers On the other hand unemployment was high.
The assembly line was destroying skilled labor like engineering the car with its new technology. Unskilled workers received lower pay. III. Workers One one hand wages started rising. Businesses started offering paid vacations and pensions or retirement money. They made pensions and paid vacations to keep people from joining unions.

7 The Election of 1928 I. Herbert Hoover Republican
Former Secretary of Commerce Former head of the Food Administration Board Quaker born from Iowa Very popular in rural areas II. Alfred E. Smith Democrat Former Governor of New York First Catholic to run for president Very popular with immigrants and urban areas

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