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Ocean acidification & Ocean warming

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1 Ocean acidification & Ocean warming
Dr. Alycia Lackey Bio 103 – Saving Planet Earth April 2017 Murray State University

2 OCEAN ACIDIFICATION Oceans take up CO2, increases water acidity

3 High acidity in the ocean will affect many organisms For ex: Reproduction and survival in fish
Recreated from Environment Canada The pH scale.

4 Atmospheric CO2 Oceanic CO2 Oceanic pH More acidic
Atmospheric CO2 Oceanic CO2 Oceanic pH More acidic

5 In-class activity on Ocean Warming and Ocean Acidification
Work in pairs or groups of 3 Individually submit your answers on

6 Part 1 – Concerns of ocean acidification
Read top of worksheet Answer #1 using lecture material we just covered

7 Part 1 – Concerns of ocean acidification
I will then play this video in segments, allowing time to discuss and write answers after each segment. change/2013/sep/11/pacific-ocean-perilous-turn-overview/

8 Coral reefs most diverse marine habitats
cover ~1% of the ocean floor but support ~25% of all marine species (e.g., 30–60 coral species, 500–800 coral fish species, >3000 invertebrate species) Image Credit: "Coral reef PloS” photo courtesy of Terry Hughes. Beyond Neutrality—Ecology Finds Its Niche. Gewin V, PLoS Biology Vol. 4/8/2006, e278 doi: /journal.pbio Licensed under CC BY 2.5 via Wikimedia Commons - "Coral reef PloS“, Photo courtesy of T. Hughes

9 Zooxanthellae in coral tissue Zooxanthellae expelled Higher ocean acidity increases coral bleaching, causes loss of biodiversity The corals and zooxanthellae algae have a mutualistic relationship. The coral provides the algae with a protected environment and compounds they need for photosynthesis. In return, the algae produce oxygen and help the coral to remove wastes.  Modified from:

10 Zooxanthellae in coral tissue Zooxanthellae expelled Higher ocean acidity increases coral bleaching, causes loss of biodiversity Causes of coral bleaching Higher water acidity Increased temperatures Increased sediment in runoff Changes in salinity Herbicides, fertilizers Bacterial infections


12 Part 2 – Threats to coral reefs
Look at the figure on page 2 of your worksheet, and answer questions

13 Source: Bryant et al., Reefs at Risk: a Map-Based Indicator of Threats to the World's Coral Reefs, World Resources Institute (WRI), Washington DC, 1998. Terms of use page: Predictions indicate that coral bleaching is set to steadily increase in frequency and intensity all over the world until it occurs annually by 2030—2070. The intensity and duration of high temperature periods affect the magnitude of bleaching events and whether a reef can recover from each bleaching event. Reefs in the Indian Ocean have been affected most with almost 60% of coral cover destroyed. The major stressors come from overexploitation and pollution. Latter can be caused by tourism, sewage effluent, urban development, agricultural runoff, etc…. Typically high nutrient water favor algae which are fast growing and tolerant to high pollution regimes.

14 Part 3 – Effects of ocean warming and ocean acidification on coral reefs
After we watch this video, Answer questions 10 – 11 You may start developing your answer to question 12, but you will submit your response on Canvas.

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