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This is a platform alteration: A Trial Management Perspective on the operational aspects of adaptive platform trials Francesca Schiavone & Riya Bathia.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a platform alteration: A Trial Management Perspective on the operational aspects of adaptive platform trials Francesca Schiavone & Riya Bathia."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a platform alteration: A Trial Management Perspective on the operational aspects of adaptive platform trials Francesca Schiavone & Riya Bathia MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL ICTMC 09-May-2017 Who we are Where we’re from We are here to bring a slightly diff perspective in this session as we’re going to be focussing on the operational aspects of running adaptive platform trials

2 Adding new research comparisons
Widely recognised efficiencies of trial design§¥ Identify operational challenges Share our experience in trial conduct STAMPEDE FOCUS4 The efficiencies of adaptive platform trials are widely recognised and these are described in several publications However little information is available on the operational aspects and the challenges of running these trials We will be sharing our experience from 2 leading adaptive platform design trials run by the MRC CTU at UCL STAMPEDE and F4 And in particular we will be focusing on the operational aspects of adding new research comparison, a key feature of adaptive platform designs §Kaplan R, Maughan T, Crook A, Fisher D, Wilson R, Brown L, et al. Evaluating many treatments and biomarkers in oncology: a new design. Journal of Clinical Oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2013;31(36): Epub 2013/11/20. ¥ Sydes MR, Parmar MKB, Mason MD, Clarke NW, Amos C, Anderson J, de Bono JS, Dearnaley DP, Dwyer J, Green C, Jovic G, Ritchie AWS, Russell JM, Sanders K, Thalmann G, James ND. Flexible trial design in practice - stopping arms for lack-of-benefit and adding research arms mid-trial in STAMPEDE: a multi-arm multi-stage randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2012;13(1):168. PubMed PMID: MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL

3 STAMPEDE STAMPEDE MAMS design Locally advanced and metastatic PCa
Opened in 2005, 5 contemporaneously recruiting research comparisons and one shared control arm Since 2011, 4 new research comparisons have been added to the existing trial platform and 2 more are in pipeline for activation in the next 6-12 months MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL

4 FOCUS4 Restart first line chemo on progression Primary endpoint:
MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL REGISTER Biomarker analysis during first-line treatment RANDOMISE STRATIFY BRAF mutation PIK3CA RAS + p53 mutation All Wild type Non-stratified Restart first line chemo on progression Primary endpoint: PFS in the interval MSI/MMR def H3K36me3 loss Synthetic lethality cohort N D E C A Novel Agent P B Aspirin WEE1 inhibitor No Rx CAP FOLLOW-UP Advanced or Metastatic Colorectal cancer First-line treatment ~ 16 wks -> Stable/Responding disease FOCUS4 is a molecularly stratified, multi-comparison randomised trial programme for patients with colorectal cancer  The trial opened in Jan 2014 with one molecular cohort comparison and one non stratified comparisons. Since opening, one additional molecular cohort comparison has been opened, a further one will be opening this summer and several others are in development for activation in the near future

5 Operational steps for addition of new comparisons
 Operational Components  Project Timeline Criteria for inclusion of new comparison Grant application/Scientific peer review Funding & Biomarker development Protocol development Regulatory application Contracts and drug supply CRFs and DB development Site Implementation We have distilled the key operational components required for the activation of a new research comparison What some of you might find striking is that these steps don’t differ greatly to setting up a trial form scratch During this presentation we will focusing on the challenges encountered specifically when adding a new research comparison and some of the strategies and solutions we have found throughout the years Note: biomarker development constitutes a significant piece of work within these steps but we are not being focusing on this here Time MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL

6 Scientific peer-review and funding
Challenge Multiple funders Cancer Research UK (CRUK) MRC/NIHR EME Programme Industry Strategy Trial-specific review committees Dialogue with funders Processes changed for adaptive platform trials Scale of funding Scientific peer review and funding is one of the first steps required when considering the addition of a new research comparison to a platform trial Due to scale of platform trials like STAMPEDE and F4 we typically see several founders and peer-review bodies round the table The key strategy we identify for a more streamlined approach to peer review is a constant dialogue with funders from the outset A trial-specific review committee was put in place for F4 by the NIHR EMA Programme to ensure Continuity of review system and meaningful review of the trial platform In STAMPEDE, a continuous dialogue with CRUK has lead to the peer-review process to be adapted to allow selective review of new research proposals for platform trials The scale of the funding has also been changed over the years to allow more adequate support to large platform projects

7 Protocol development Challenge Continuous adaptations and amendments
Strategy Futureproofing Modular vs single protocol Terminology Understanding by all stakeholders When adding new research comparisons in an adaptive platform trial, continuous adaptations and amendments pose a challenge to protocol development We have therefore found very important to futureproof the protocol and reflect on the protocol structure as this is such a key trial document. Include plan to add comparisons In F4, the younger of the two trials presented here, a modular structure has been adopted with a master protocol and self-contained comparison-specific sections –this allows a more flexible implementation across sites as not all centres might be participating to all res comparisons STAMPEDE on the other hand is following a more traditional protocol structure with the protocol being a single document. There are merit and benefits in using both models but we emphasise the importance of thinking about the protocol structure Terminology = ppl understand it’s ONE trial Stakeholders = sites and regulators

8 Regulatory & governance review
Challenge Approval of original platform and amendments Strategy Engagement with regulators from the outset Benefit and Efficiency of adding new research comparisons to an existing platforms become more apparent when it comes to the regulatory approval In the UK, the addition of a new res comparison can be implemented via a substantial amendment which requires 35 days approval window a much shorter timelines compared to starting a trial from scratch A word of caution still needs to mentioned about the magnitude of changes required to the trial documentation to activate a new res comparison even if timelines for approval are shorter Approval Relies on understanding of design by regulators Chat with MHRA prior to adding each comparisons F4 chat with MHRA EMA informal advisory discussion on trial design

9 Agreements Challenge Negotiation timelines EU Tender Strategy
Identify step in critical path Negotiations often time consuming, can be rate limiting step. Particularly is EU tender required Be aware and factor into project plan Drug supply may depend on contract sign off and EU tender –see STAMPEDE abi+enza comparison

10 Case Report Forms and database development
Key for addition of new comparison Poster board #:381 Lead by Dominic Hague Specific challenges to the data management aspects of adding new comparison – described in poster. Including effect on timelines, time to develop and test, timelines to implement new comparison are depends on this work.

11 Site Implementation Challenge
Activating research comparisons to an ongoing platform Strategy Early engagement with sites Intensive site training programme Consideration on existing platform Stop vs Continue randomisations Key area of efficiency is a site implementation where a new comparison is implemented as an amendment. Challenge is activating across a large number of sites which platform ongoing – intense period of activity at sites and CTU Survey to sites to involve them at early stages of development of a new comparison cont though to intensive site training programme Risk based approach to relation to site set-up process and set an activation date which acts as a deadline for the activation steps to be completed deadline both trials Stop rando to other comparisons? Shared control arm in STAMPEDE therefore can close all FOCUS4 allow reg and rando to other comparison if delays in implementation CTU workload – intense period

12 Example of when the design pays off
Example of when the design pays off. This shows the time to 1st pt recruited by site for the original comparisons (opened in 2005) and the first new research comparisons added to the original platform (the abiraterone comparison opened in 2011) It takes 9 years for 120 centres to recruit their first patient whereas the abiraterone comparison achieves that in 24 months. Faster accrual is due to sites being activated more quickly after a new comparison is launched

13 Reiterated when looking at the subsequently added comparisons (time to 3rd pt) with the majority of sites recruiting 3 patient between 6 to 12 months from the launch of a new research comparison. M1|RT comparison Enzalutamide + Abiraterone comparison Metformin comparison

14 Trial Management Team Challenge TMT workload and resourcing
Conflicting tasks Changes to original platform Interim analyses Strategy Team structure Resource planning and task prioritisation Stepping back form focusing on the addition of new comparisons, some specific challenges to the TMT at CTU in running adaptive platform trials Intense Workload at time resulting in higher resource requirements Conflicting tasks and the balance between existing trial and changes to platform Both trials have large teams with multiple TM and DM to address the needs. Traditional model, consider how work is split e.g by comparison, or specific tasks. Balancing the development needs of staff and progress of the trials Proactive oversight, careful resource planning and constant review tasks and prioritisation of task is required to ensure successful delivery and ensure quality STAMPEDE SOC changes following primary analysis –protocol change had to take priority and delayed slightly activation to metformin comparison Closing research arms leaving only arms opened to a sub-set of pts  abi+enza comparisons closed in Apr and metformin open in Sept 2016 leaving only the M1|RT comparison open (only to a sub-set of pts) FOCUS4 Stopping recruitment to FOCUS4-D following Activity Stage analyses few weeks after the opening of F4-B

15 Open questions What do sites think of these types of trials?
What is the best resourcing model? How do we measure operational efficiency in conduct? There are still many other unanswered question around running these types of trials. Site perspective on operational issue? large numbers of centres suggests interest and engagement, recruitment to stampede is successful Resourcing and team structure within CTU – both trials similar approach Measuring operational efficiency? design known for its efficiencies in relation to trial results however how do we measure the operational efficiencies compared to setting up new trials?

16 Trial design has efficiencies Operational complexities
Conclusion Trial design has efficiencies Operational complexities Complexities can be overcome Publication on trial conduct in progress Make it positive! Known efficiencies Not without some operational complexities S & F shown that these can be overcome but don’t underestimate the time and resource implications. to successfully deliver adaptive platform trials Full publication on this topic in progress

17 Acknowledgments Co-authors: K. Letchemanan, L. Masters, L. Brown, CL. Amos, A. Bara, MKB. Parmar, MR. Sydes STAMPEDE Trial Management Group FOCUS4 Trial Management Group Trial Management Teams at MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL Sponsor: MRC Funders CRUK MRC/NIHR EME Programme Industry partners The FOCUS4 Trial Programme is jointly funded by the MRC-NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme (11/100/50) and Cancer Research UK (A13363).

18 This is a platform alteration: A Trial Management Perspective on the operational aspects of adaptive platform trials Francesca Schiavone & Riya Bathia MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL ICTMC 09-May-2017

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