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By: Amy Burke, Maddie Cormier, Jayden Roth, Justin Wagler

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1 By: Amy Burke, Maddie Cormier, Jayden Roth, Justin Wagler
Native History By: Amy Burke, Maddie Cormier, Jayden Roth, Justin Wagler

2 “First Contact” Christopher Columbus came ashore in the Caribbean in 1942 and at first believed that he found a new route to the East Columbus believed that he reached the Indies Believing that the land he found was the Indies, Columbus began calling the people who lived there “Indians”. Which is why sometimes even today we mistakenly call Native people Indians.

3 Continued... Columbus described the Native people as very shy and timid Columbus sometimes sent two or three of his men to a Native village to meet some of the people but as soon as the Natives would see the men approaching they would flee away from them.

4 "They firmly believed that I, with my ships and men, came from heaven”- Christopher Columbus
After a while, the Natives became more comfortable with Columbus and his men, and they thought that they in fact came from heaven. Soon after the word spread about these men, the Natives would run out of there homes just to see them.

5 Eventually the Natives became very welcoming to the Europeans
Once the Natives overcame their initial fear of the Europeans they showed a lot of kindness and generosity to them.The Natives were very welcoming to the Europeans as they showed them their homes and how they grew their corn. The Natives gave the Europeans many things such as tobacco,walnuts, mullberries, strawberries and raspberries. The Natives shared very valuable information about things such as the herbs that they use to heal wounds, or the roots that they use to poison their arrows for hunting.

6 The Origin of Canada’s Name
Canada’s name originated from a conversation between Jacques Cartier and two Native youths in 1535 “Kanata”→ Canada The youths were explaining to Cartier how to get to the village of Stadacona which they referred to as “Kanata”, the Huron-Iroquois name for “village”. Cartier used the word Canada to refer to the village of Stadacona and over time the word was used to refer to a larger and larger area. The first time that “Canada” was used as an official name was when the province of Quebec was divided into the colonies Upper and Lower Canada. And finally when the confederation was formed, it took the name of Canada. This demonstrates how a little misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the Native language, led to the naming of our country.

7 Reservations What are Indian Reserves?
“An Indian Reserve is a tract of land set aside under the Indian Act and Treaty Agreements for the exclusive use of an Indian Band”

8 Reservations Impacts of Indian Reserves Divided up families
Limited hunting and fishing Decreased ability to work Increased poverty

9 Reservations Challenges Facing Reserve Communities Today Poverty
Substance Abuse Suicide Unemployment Mortality Sexual assault Child sexual abuse

10 Residential Schools How Many Schools?
Initially 1,100 students attended 69 schools About 150,000 First Nation, Inuit and Métis children were forced to attend the schools

11 Residential Schools What Went Wrong?
Physical, emotional and sexual abuse Rarely saw family members Discouraged from speaking their language

12 Residential Schools Compensation
$1.9 billion compensation package for those who were forced to attend residential schools

13 Six Nations Reserve Six Nations is the largest reservation in Canada located just outside of the city Brantford Ontario

14 Six Nations Reserve The Six Nations are the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga and Tuscarora nations.

15 Six Nations Reserve Joseph Brant was the chief of 6 Nations
He was the war chief and had limited power

16 Bibliography News, CBC. "A History of Residential Schools in Canada." CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 07 Jan Web. 07 Oct "Canadian Indian Residential School System." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Oct Web. 07 Oct. 2014 "Six Nations of the Grand River." N.p., 09 Oct Web. 10 Oct "Joseph Brant." Joseph Brant. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Oct Erin Hanson, Cole Harris. Indigenous Foundations, Reserves. UBC Press, 291, Web. 14, October, 2014. Aboriginal and Native Indian Sexual Assault in Canada, Aboriginal Sexual Assault in Canada. Web. 14, October, 2014.

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