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#46 Ch.21.2 Notes The Triumphs of a Crusade

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1 #46 Ch.21.2 Notes The Triumphs of a Crusade
OBJECTIVE: Learn about major achievements during the Civil Rights Era.

2 Key New People James Meredith- Air Force veteran that wanted to enroll in the all-White University of Mississippi 1962. Mississippi Governor Ross Barnett refused his entry. JFK ordered federal marshals to escort Meredith to the University.

3 Key New People Fannie Lou Hamer- American voting rights activist.
Led Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. Hoped to call attention to lack of voting rights in segregated areas and to promote the passage of a federal voting rights act.

4 Key Terms Freedom Riders- Members of Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and SNCC. Blacks and Whites rode buses through the South in the early 1960s to challenge interstate bus segregation.

5 Key Events Birmingham, Alabama
April 1963, SCLC demonstrates to desegregates Birmingham. King arrested, writes “Letter from Birmingham Jail” TV news shows police attacking child marchers – fire hoses, dogs, clubs. Continued protests, economic boycott, bad press end segregation September 1963 – 4 Birmingham girls killed when bomb thrown into church.

6 Key Terms Freedom Summer- a 1964 project to register African-American voters in Mississippi and to promote the passage of a federal voting rights act. 3 volunteers killed in June 1964.

7 Key Terms Civil Rights Act of a law that banned discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, or religion in public places and most workplaces.

8 Key Terms Voting Rights Act of a law that made it easier for African-Americans to register to vote by eliminating literacy tests and authorizing federal examiners to enroll voters denied at the local level.

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