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For LDS Families to understand Community based scouting

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1 Transitioning LDS Scouts to Community Packs, Troops and Crews SDIC University of Scouting 2018
For LDS Families to understand Community based scouting For Community Scout Leaders to understand LDS Families For all other interested parties

2 Part 1 – Introduction to LDS Scouts

3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
AKA: LDS Church or Mormon Church Founded in 1830 New York by Joseph Smith. Church moved to Utah in 1847 under Brigham Young. Many LDS Scouts serve two-year proselyting or service missions around the globe immediately after completing high school. Key beliefs include: Worship of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior Modern day prophets, apostles and revelation Accepts both Holy Bible and Book of Mormon as word of God. Know and Perform your Duty to God (do good works) Temple and Sabbath day worship 16.1 million members worldwide 12/31/17) In 1913 became 1st Charter Partner of BSA For more info:

4 New LDS Church Youth Program
On 01-Jan-2020, the LDS Church is rolling out a new youth program. Details have not been released, but this program will cover all youth ages 8-18, boys and girls. It will probably emphasize Sunday worship and a weekly activity night. Core principles of the new program will closely resemble those found in the Scout Oath and Law. Over half of the youth membership of the LDS Church is outside of the USA and does not have access to BSA programs. But it is desired to provide all youth with a consistent experience worldwide.

5 From 8-May-2018 LDS/BSA Joint Announcement
“To allow for an orderly transition, the intention of the Church is to remain a fully engaged partner in Scouting for boys and young men ages 8–13 and encourages all youth, families, and leaders to continue their active participation and financial support. “ “The Church …continues to support the goals and values reflected in the Scout Oath and Scout Law and expresses its profound desire for Scouting’s continuing and growing success in the years ahead. “

6 SDIC LDS Membership 40% of current council scout units are chartered through the LDS Church. 28% of total council youth membership is LDS. All LDS units, adult and youth memberships will automatically re-charter for 2019. LDS Unit Commissioners are to ensure that all LDS boys are properly enrolled for 2019.

7 LDS Church 13th Article of Faith
“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

8 The LDS church has affirmed on many occasions that the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law are both virtuous and praiseworthy. In the spirit of the 13th Article of Faith, LDS youth and adults are encouraged to support scouting after 2019.

9 The Gemmell Boys : Six Eagle Scouts in One Family http://www

10 Part 2 – LDS Youth Transition

11 19 Month Transition Period Allows time for the following prior to 01-Jan-2020:
Families have time to either organize a new unit or to find and join an existing unit. 1st Class Scouts can complete Trail to Eagle with their current unit. Webelos can complete Arrow of Light with existing pack. Two more summer camps with their current LDS unit.

12 Scouting Opportunities for Younger Youth
Lion – Kindergarten (age 6) Tiger – 1st Grade (age 7) Wolf – 2nd Grade (age 8) Bear – 3rd Grade (age 9) Webelos – 4th & 5th Grade (age 10+) Cub Advancement shadows school year.

13 Scouting Opportunities for Older Youth
Scouts BSA – Entry Requirements: At least Age 10 and Arrow of Light Or Ages 11-17 Venturing – Co-Ed Ages 14-20 Sea Scouts – Co-Ed Ages 14-20 Exploring Posts – Co-Ed Ages 14-20 Order of the Arrow – BSA Honor Society

14 Restricted Sunday Activities Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy (4th Commandment of the Holy Bible) is a priority for many Latter-day Saint families. What strategies can Community Troops adopt to be more inclusive of LDS scouts? No Sunday Camping or Recreational Activities. Run campouts from Thursday or Friday to Saturday. Separate patrol camping. Early Monday AM arrival to Summer Camp.

15 LDS Family Home Evening
Many LDS families hold a family home evening, typically on Monday night. It usually  includes a game or fun activity, treats, and a short lesson about a gospel principle. Many community scout units typically meet on Monday nights.

16 LDS Youth – Weekly Calendar
Sunday – Day of Worship Monday Evening – Family Time Tues or Wedz – Weekly Church Youth Activity All other dates are open to Scouting, sports, school, or other extra-curricular activity or personal time.

17 Can LDS Girls Participate in Scouting?
Yes. Many LDS girls grow up in families that already have a rich history of camping, hiking and other scouting traditions.

18 Part 3 – When is the Best Time to Transition LDS Youth to a Community Scout Unit?
- The Four Options -

19 Option A: Community Scout Unit Preference - Summer 2019 -
Most Packs, Troops and Crews start their annual program in August. Unit activity and advancement program runs parallel to the school year. Cub dens and scout patrols are organized with emphasis on youth leadership for older units. Dens and patrol members share common experiences and advancement goals.

20 Option B: LDS Church Preference
Full participation with Church scouting unit until 31-Dec-2019. Advancement earning and recognition with their peers in their Church scouting unit. Continued support for ongoing Church activities and full participation with the introduction of their new 2020 youth program.

21 Option C : Dual Unit Registration
Develop associations with peers and families in both the old and new units. Join preparations for 2020 summer camp. Participate in advancement track with the rest of their new unit. Participate in fun activities of their old unit. BSA membership fees paid only once. LDS Unit to be listed as Primary Unit since that is where the BSA membership fee has already been prepaid thru 2019. Community Unit membership fees to be paid. Switch advancement tracking to the new unit. Interchangeable Velcro Unit # Patch for scout uniform.

22 Option D: Family Preference
Many LDS Families will have to make some significant changes to their family routine and to re-evaluate family goals and weekly activities. Some LDS Families may choose some hybrid of all transition options available. Both the BSA and the LDS Church have the utmost respect for the role of parents in directing Family Life and Faith-in-God choices to be made in the home. Both organizations are committed to giving each family their full support.

23 Option E: Form New Unit Advantages: Conform to LDS Culture
Disadvantages: Need to switch to school year format Need to organize unit by Jun 2019 Need to begin program by Aug 2019 Need to recruit critical mass by Sep 2019

24 2019 District Recruitment Fair
Invite LDS scouting families to a special Roundtable night. Features exhibits and representatives from local community cub packs, troops, crews, ships, posts and OA Lodge.

25 Part 4 – LDS Adult Leader Transition

26 Unit Leaders In Community Units, adult leaders are volunteers (not called). Community Units greatly value parent volunteer participation, especially those with scouting or youth program experience and the willingness to serve others is greatly valued. Every scout deserves a Trained Leader.

27 Adult Leader Transition
The LDS Church has asked all of their current adult leaders to stay “fully engaged” with their Church scouting unit thru Includes planning that year’s summer camp and other scouting activities. Includes helping with youth advancement. LDS adults leaders are still free to serve in any other volunteer capacity that they think is best.

28 Wood Badge 2019 Last SDIC Course with no Sunday camping.
Prep adults with valuable youth mentoring skills, useful for implementing new LDS Youth program.

29 How Can LDS Families Contribute to Council Fundraising after 2019?
Register for recurring FOS donations that autopay monthly or annually: Popcorn sales: After 2019, LDS Scouts are no longer restricted from selling popcorn.

30 Part 5 – LDS Facilities Will LDS Facilities be available for BSA use after 2019 for Roundtables, BOR, Training, Camping, Activities, etc.? Church Camps – most likely yes Church Buildings – most likely no

31 Camp Wildwood Ranch 14488 Mussey Grade Rd, Ramona, CA 92065
This gently sloped 63-acre camp has a large variety of gorgeous trees. Some olive trees are over 100 years old. Massive oak trees shade activity and camping areas. Guests may swim, play sports, hike, zip line, and work together in team-building challenges.  District Camporees.

32 Part 6 – New Unit Formation

33 Guidelines Find Charter Organization
Find Adult Leaders (Minimum #) to organize Key 3, Unit Committee, etc. Draft Unit Constitution Find Meeting Space Annual Plan for Activities Annual Plan for Fundraising Youth Recruitment Plan

34 New Unit Resources BSA Unit Performance Guide.
BSA Unit Committee Challenge Guide. Contract Great Salt Lake Council for a copy of their New Unit Organizer Guide. BSA New Unit Organizer Training (2014).

35 The Four Pillars of High Quality Scout Units
Membership Team – Know the Market Relationship Team – Make the Call Organizing Team – Build the Unit Program Team – Great Scouting Activities

36 Part 7 – LDS Transition Resources:
Unit Commissioners & District Executives LDS-BSA Relationship Committee


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