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Mormon Religion effect : Lama Hazari Monroe Doctrine: Hebah Al-Khawaja

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1 Mormon Religion effect : Lama Hazari Monroe Doctrine: Hebah Al-Khawaja
The U.S Expansion Mormon Religion effect : Lama Hazari Monroe Doctrine: Hebah Al-Khawaja

2 Mormon religion :Lama Hazari ~Part 1
Lama Hazari part one

3 The Mormon religion Mormon Beliefs Mormons are a type of christian.
They have two books ( The book of Mormon,and the bible) Mormons believe in a “Prophet” called Joseph Smith(1802),they believe that through Joseph, Jesus finished building The church of Jesus christ of Latter~day saints. It is called The church of Jesus christ of Latter~day saints because,the church belongs to Jesus christ and he creates the rules.They added latter day because it distinguishes them from early day christians.Then saints to them just means members. Mormons go on a mission for about 2 years when they are they are cut off from all worldly things and their mission is to convert people.

4 Mormon effect (1830’s -1840’s) Mormons immigrated to the U.S. and started settling in New york , because their Joseph Smith started building The church of Jesus christ of Latter~day saints in 1830 , they then started spreading to Illinois. Other people didn't like the beliefs of the mormons so mormons started getting persecuted a lot! ( Joseph smith died in one) The U.S. had declared war on Mexico in May 1846 ,to get more help and soldiers President James K. Polk made an agreement with the Mormons that the mormon men who enlisted in the battalion would be paid for their serves in helping America.This was called The Mormon Battalion. The Mormons had no choice but to accept because they had nothing and were being killed left and right. 500 mormons enlisted and started heading towards San Diego Their later explorations helped them become established in Utah.

5 The ending solution In the end Mormons moved to The Great Basin to establish peace away from the government, at that time the land was actually mexican soil. Between 1847 and 1869, when the Transcontinental Railroad was built, about 70,000 Mormons migrated to Utah along the Mormon Trail. Many of the mormons got help and money from the church When the Mormons settled down in Utah there were many American indians and few others. Starting a new life and escaping persecution.

6 Monroe doctrine:Hebah Al-Khawaja ~part 2

7 The Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine was a U.S. foreign policy concerning Latin American countries. It stated that if European countries tried to colonize land, or interfere with the states and countries of North and South America, it would be considered as an act of oppression, regarding US interference It was developed because the U.S. and Britain were concerned over the possibility of European colonial expansion in the Americas. Britain feared Spain and Portugal would try to reclaim their former colonies (which recently gained independence) because because it would cause Britain’s trade with the new colonies to decline. The U.S. wanted to make sure that no European nations would make any more attempts to colonize the western hemisphere.

8 Writing the Monroe Doctrine
George Canning, the foreign minister of Britain, suggested a joint venture with the U.S. to maintain the interests of both nations. However, John Quincy Adams, the secretary of state, convinced President Monroe that the U.S. should develop its own policy which would preserve U.S. interests. The Monroe Doctrine was issued on December 2,1823 during James Monroe’s 7th annual State of the Union Address to Congress. The foreign policy has had influential effects and strong support in the U.S. because it promotes U.S interests and it defends other American nations’ rights to independence.

9 Resources Mormon religion The Monroe Doctrine
Hlas, Dave. "Monroe Doctrine." Dave Hlas. Web. 8 Dec < Haugen, Eric. "Monroe Doctrine." Wikipedia. Eric Haugen, 3 Dec Web. 6 Dec < _____________________________________________________________ Mormon religion Utah State History. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from | What is the Mormon Church and Religion? (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2014, from

10 Thank you for listing!!!!!!

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