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God Protected Jacob.

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1 God Protected Jacob

2 A Tragic Incident Genesis 33:18-34:12
Jacob bought land from the children of Hamor near Shechem He built and altar and called it “God, the God of Israel” Dinah, Leah’s daughter, was abducted and raped by Shechem, son of Hamor He also truly fell in love with her He tried to talk to her in a soothing way to gain her favor

3 A Tragic Incident Jacob learned of the incident while his sons were in the field When the boys learned of it, they responded with grief and anger Hamor tried to reach an agreement for marriage between his son and Jacob’s daughter He suggested this would open the door for other marriages between their people Jacob would be considered a citizen Hamor could share in Jacob’s wealth He was willing to give any dowry required

4 Deception Genesis 34:13-24 Jacob’s sons deceived Hamor by telling him they would agree to the marriage contract They told Hamor they could not allow one of their women to marry an uncircumcised man Hamor met with the leaders of the city in the gates to ask for their support He argued they would gain women to marry and Jacob’s wealth would be theirs Every male in Shechem was circumcised

5 Slaughter Genesis 34:25-31 On the third day after the circumcision, the men were sore Simeon and Levi took their swords and slaughtered all the men They took the wealth of the city including the wives Jacob said they had acted hastily without considering the consequences of their actions The allies of Hamor might attack Even these words did not elicit a penitent response

6 Spiritual Renewal at Bethel
Genesis 35:1-15 God called Jacob’s family to worship at Bethel Jacob required everyone give up their idols, purify themselves and change clothingGod called him to worship and fulfill his promise Jacob promised God a tenth if he kept him safe (28:10-22) God kept them safe, making the people whose land they passed through afraid Jacob built an altar where he worshiped on the way to Haran He called it “El Bethel,” or “house of God” God renewed his promise

7 The Deaths of Rachel and Isaac
Genesis 35:16-29 On the journey away from Bethel, Rachel experienced a very difficult time in childbirth She named him “Ben-Oni,” or “son of my sorrow” Jacob renamed him Benjamin, or “son of my right hand” Rachel was buried on the way to Ephrath Reuben sinned by laying with Bilhah, Rachel’s handmaid Jacob was reunited with Isaac at Hebron Isaac died at 180 years of age Jacob and Esau buried him

8 The Descendants of Esau
Genesis 36 The land would not support the families of Jacob and Esau, so Esau moved (6-8) He moved to the region south of the Dead Sea which was called Seir, because of the mountain there His descendants took kings prior to Israel and it is possible they were one of the nations Israel wanted to imitate when they asked for a king

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