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Geo Spatial Data Infrastructures with Open Source

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1 Geo Spatial Data Infrastructures with Open Source
Going Mainstream Geo Spatial Data Infrastructures with Open Source What to expect from this presentation Mainstream IT components have reached a high level of perfection. They are used throughout the GIS context without us really noticing too much Thorough and useful standardization enables us to use mainstream technology in the context of GIS Spatial Data is turned loose. Currently a paradigm shift is on the way turning proprietary data free

2 WebGIS with Free Software Example
Software components: Free Operating System Free Web Server Free Web Map Server (WMS) Free Spatially Enabled Database Free Web Scripting Language Free Web Map Client Suite Mapbender Standardisation: Open GIS Consortium ISO Standardisation Organisation This architecture can be seen at work:

3 Databases Databases have developed enormously. They are used throughout all contexts and for all purposes With the SQL standard a common language has grown which is used throughout IT business It was only a question of time until databases would also start to understand geometry – now they do More than that: databases learn to manage spatial geometry with spatial operators (GEOS)

4 Spatial Operations What before was highly secret knowledge to some proprietary producer is slowly but distinctly becoming common knowledge In this context Open Source has an even larger impact on traditional business models than just by not charging money for licenses The possibility to access database operators directly with PHP opens the possibility to use them directly from the thin client front end GIS desktop systems are starting to have a hard time proving that they are really needed

5 Operating Systems It is very easy to install and maintain Operating Systems with very different specific features Operating Systems even come with basic GIS software components, for example databases and web services There are people organizing ports collections which make the installation of GIS software very easy Some Operating Systems even directly come with GIS software installed or have explicitly been compiled with it (GISIX: GRASS on Knoppix)

6 Standardization SQL is not discussed any more, it is being used by any software and all applications SQL has been extended by spatial operations for Simple Features (PostgreSQL/PostGIS, Oracle/Spatial) It will only take little time until every large database has to support Spatial Data, if it wants to serve the market There is no difference between proprietary and Open Source Software when it comes to using standards

7 Who is THE GIS USER The GIS user is and always will be the specialist working with strange software on strange data The spatial data is growing to be of interest to a much larger community Everybody living in the spatial data wants to have access to read and learn about it Politics are starting to understand this need for spatial data in a common context

8 Political activities Very interestingly political activities throughout the world point in the same direction It has been recognized that spatial data does not stop at national borders Processes on spatial data (pollution, traffic, energy) does not stop at borders either Governments must provide their people with spatial data for little or no cost – else the people organize themselves – and they already do :-)

9 Thank You for your attention
For more information please contact: Arnulf B. Christl CCGIS Christl & Stamm GbR Siemensstr. 8 53121 Bonn Germany Visit our web sites at: Visit the Mapbender Project homepage at:

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