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Email An Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Email An Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Overview

2 Topics Purpose Message Parts Additions Issues

3 Purpose Electronic mail was developed to mimic the interoffice mail of many businesses

4 Message Parts To Subject CC BCC Message body
The address or addresses of who the is being send to Subject One line of text to give the subject of the CC Addresses of others that will also receive a copy of the BCC Addresses of others that will also receive a copy of the , however, these addresses will not be shown to anyone who receives the Message body The text of the message being sent

5 Additions Attachments Embedded HTML
These are files that are encoded and sent via the message One might attach a Word document and it Embedded HTML This allows for html tags and links to be sent in the message An reader that understands HTML is required in order to see the effects.

6 Issues Spam Security Spam is unwanted Email similar to junk mail
Spam may be used to fill an box so that no further will be accepted Security Phishing This is an attempt to get someone to give useful information to someone who should not have it The will appear to be from someone trusted Viruses Attachments may include viruses that are activated when the mail is open or when the attachment is opened

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