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By Chris Anderson, Ethan Wilburn, and David Grueser

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Presentation on theme: "By Chris Anderson, Ethan Wilburn, and David Grueser"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Chris Anderson, Ethan Wilburn, and David Grueser

2 Team Members Ethan WIlburn Chris Anderson David Grueser

3 Overview of Device Design
The design our team came up with incorporated all aspects of physics and engineering. The Marble and the Ramp into the Funnel Balance Collision of Golf Balls Starting of Music and Mouse Trap Pulley System and Flag


5 Project Picture

6 Construction Issues Problems encountered while constructing
Keeping the marble on the track Setting it up to where the marble shoots into the funnel Making sure the balance was balanced Making sure golf balls collided and continued to roll Getting mouse trap to go off Making the pulley system slowly raise the flag

7 Conclusions Overall the device cost $19.50 to produce.
All team members contributed their part in building the device and coming up with the concepts. The device was initially problematic, but after working on it was set up to work perfectly everytime. All team members had a good time working together on the project.


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